
common lisp

Table of Contents

1. Dawn of the Era

2. Fulci

3. cl-18n

I am the current maintainer of the cl-i18n library; an internationalization library for common lisp.

4. cl-pslib

I am the author of cl-pslib a (thin) wrapper for pslib library.

An output example can be found here.

5. cl-kanren

cl-kanren is a common lisp implementation of minikaren, a logic programming library.

6. Nodgui

7. Tinmop

8. 99 lisp problems

9. Programming praxis

Some solutions for problems founds on programming praxis

10. Here are lions

This script will download and install a patched quicklisp that uses curl and HTTPS to as protocol. Likely will be unable to update the client or the dists, so use at you own risk!

download the script

sha256 hash

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Italy License.

Distribuited software and source code published are licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 or later if not specified otherwise.
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