Yellow Vests: Some Songs

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All Around the Roundabout”
song for the continuation of the movement

All around the roundabout
There are women and men
Wearing a yellow vest
And blocking the roundabout
All around the roundabout
We put some banners up
Proclaiming “we have nothing left”
Not written like a leaflet
On the floor of the roundabout
There’s a woman who dies
On the first morning
Fear and fury
But around the roundabout
We haven’t packed anything up
We haven’t removed anything
And we won’t give up

All around the roundabout
We’re talking about the difficulty
Of keeping warm in winter
We’re waiting for springtime
And shopping at the supermarket
Which costs us a fortune
As if it was asking for the moon
To feed our children
And then there’s the thing that kills us
These jobs that make us puke
When you think that Marie
Can’t survive on her pension
She’s seventy-four years old
And distributes ads
There must be three cubic meters of them
She’s paid as quarter time

It’s true that on the roundabouts
There’s a flag of France
You think it’s a defense
In these uncertain times
At the same time this France
Bludgeoned us
And from the time of the trenches
She betrays our trust
France is just a word
In the service of an empire
She will always betray
You have to expect the worst
France is a barrier
Between the proletarians
As if slavery
Would stop at the borders

Starting from the roundabout
We joined the strike
The strike that lifts us up
The strike that makes us strong
There are no longer thousands of us
To block roundabouts
There are millions of us
There’s nothing left to hold us back
We took the ports
And we hold the streets
The power is vanishing
It no longer frightens us
And storming heaven
We greet the stars
And we laugh and we cry
To the everlasting strike
Starting from the roundabout
Starting from the roundabout
Starting from the roundabout…

Even If Macron Doesn’t Want That, Here We Are…

Here we are, here we are
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are
For the honor of the workers
And for a better world
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are

I wake up with a heavy heart
I don’t know if I’ll be home tonight
A rubber bullet attack
A brutal arrest
But that’s not gonna stop us

Because here we are, here we are
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are
For the honor of the workers
And for a better world
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are

It’s one o’clock I’m on my way
To get back to my family called the vests
To defend our honor
We sing with our hands over our hearts
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are

Here we are, here we are
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are
For the honor of the workers
And for a better world
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are

Here we are in front of you
We would like to ask you to join us
We’re all brothers and sisters
Let’s build a better world
For the future of those who will come after us

Here we are, here we are
Even if Macron doesn’t want that
Here we are
For the honor of the workers
And for a better world
Even if macron doesn’t want that
Here we are

Edith Piaf’s Song in Yellow Vest Cover Version

We’ve got to cut off his head
Danton would’ve said, I think
If I’ve understood the concept
That’s what revolution is all about
He doesn’t give a shit about the world
And he acts like a king
To wipe out the heartlands of France
That’s why his masters put him there

Fees and taxes we have both
Nothing for us and everything for them
Work like a slave, poor beggar
You’re not here to be happy
He wants us to save the planet
China and the U.S.A are laughing
They don’t over-complicate things
But it’s your Renault Clio that sucks

Container ships on the sea
All those planes in the air
Even the cows farting on the ground
Diesel is far behind
When we consider that Castaner
Takes a ride in a helicopter
CO2 is harmful
They’re laughing at us, that’s for sure

We’ve got to cut off their heads
People in the old days would’ve said
We’re not allowed to anymore, it’s silly
We don’t make the laws
We’re drowning in debt
It’s a long way to the end of the month
We’re out of bread, it’s silly
We don’t think about eating cake

I did see Benalla run past
What a nice dish
By the pool over there
Some folks don’t worry
We’ve got to cut off their heads
Robespierre would’ve said, I think
Revolution, that’s great
We learn that at school

The Beggars

In their crumpled yellow vests
They were going to protest
In the chilly early morning,
The beggars…

They came out every day of the week,
To shout “Enough is enough!”
They were fighting for a better life,
The beggars.

They were fighting against misery,
They didn’t want to keep quiet anymore,
They weren’t asking for heaven,
Just to be understood.

In their crumpled yellow vests
Pacifists but determined
They were firmly blocking the area,
The beggars…

At night they kept on blocking
On roundabouts and at the tolls,
They didn’t want to kiss the floor anymore,
The beggars.

There have never been so many people
Demanding the resignation
Of all those crooked politicians,
Gross guys

In their crumpled yellow vests
Supporting the France of the forgotten
Finally they were getting a bit visible,
The beggars…

Together they were singing songs
Nothing was overlooked, bourgeois, bosses,
The chorus “Macron resign!”
Out loud!

They don’t want BFM TV anymore
All those shackled media
Sowing fear, division…
That’s their mission.

I can’t believe they spent years
Always paying without flinching
It was time for them to open their eyes,
Both of them.

If you were smart you could have
Calmed the anger and hunger
Of those coming with empty stomachs,
The beggars.

But you are so contemptuous
You don’t have a heart big enough
To house all these people there
That’s all.

Thinking about all this, I tell myself
Long live True Democracy
Until then, they won’t be walking,
In step…

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