[GCI-ICG] Leninism vs. Revolution [1924-2024]

/ Español / Français / Deutsch / Čestína /

/ES/ El leninismo contra la revolución

Primera parte / Segunda parte

/FR/ Le léninisme contre la révolution

Première partie / Deuxième partie

/DE/ Der Leninismus gegen die Revolution

Erster Teil / Zweite Teil

/CS/ Leninismus proti revoluci

První část / 2. část

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Posted in [1917-1921], [GCI-ICG], Blog - Čeština, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Čeština, Deutsch, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalisme, Leninismus, Other languages | Leave a comment

[AW2024] ANTI-WAR CONGRESS / PRAGUE / 24 to 26 May 2024 / (en, cs, fr, hu, es, bg, pt, ru, pl, it, el, de)

/ English / Čeština / Français / Magyar / Español / Български / Português / Русский / Polski / Italiano / Ελληνικά / Deutsch /

From 20 to 26 May 2024, groups and individuals from different parts of the world will meet in Prague to coordinate anti-war activities as part of the Week of Action. The series of events will also include an anti-war congress, which will take place from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 May 2024. Campaigns, direct actions, projects, publications and analyses related to the issue of war will be presented at the congress. Among other things, this internationalist event will serve as an open assembly that will try to combine theoretical background with practical activities.

We consider it necessary, in the process of resistance to war, to develop an anti-capitalist practice which seeks to preserve political autonomy. In concrete terms, this means that we want to organize outside the political parties, outside the structures of the states, and against all states. We are particularly interested in the ways how we can oppose all the harsh conditions to which we have been exposed and subjected during interstate wars and capitalist peace. We are interested in ways to sabotage wars, how to deprive our enemies of resources, how to undermine the ability of states and their armies to continue wars.

Which way to go and what is to be done? How to join forces and get organized? We will look for answers based on class, not national differentiation; answers that take into account the sheer contradiction between rank-and-file soldiers and officers, between wage laborers and bosses, between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. We will look for ways to make soldiers in uniform of any state army identify themselves with the social struggle of their brothers and sisters on the other side of the front line, and not in the murderous orders of their officers. We will also look for ways to oppose false friends, all those who seek to transform the class struggle into a national or religious struggle for a new state, a new capitalist space, better adapted to their needs.

We support the internationalist community affirming the struggle against the bourgeoisie of all warring sides, against the armies of all states, against the capitalists of each country. Current manifestations of resistance, however contradictory and fragmented they are, undoubtedly contain the seeds of a social polarization that can turn wars between states into class confrontation.
What is meant is the confrontation between the defenders of the nation, the states and capitalism on the one hand, and the social class on the other, which is beginning to realize that defending the nation to which it is bound in chains only serves the interests of those who exploit it.

Direct action against wars now takes various forms, more or less targeted, more or less organized. Let’s strive for a qualitative shift whereby individual acts of resistance break out of their isolation through interconnection and coordination. The common enemy in every epoch is, first of all, capitalism, and therefore every state that structures it, the army that defends it, the bourgeoisie that embodies it. The only way out of the nightmare of capitalist wars and capitalist peace is a collective awakening: we must see and sabotage the whole machinery of war, overthrow its representatives and reclaim our power as creators of the world.

We call on groups and individuals interested in participating in the anti-war congress in Prague to contact us well in advance with proposals for the program.

Together against capitalist wars and capitalist peace!

Posted in [Action Week Prague 2024], [Ukraine], Blog - Čeština, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Magyar, Other languages, Polski, Português, Ucraina, Ucrania, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukrajina, Ελληνικά, Български, Русский | Leave a comment

Gazze’den Tel-Aviv’e ve Tüm Dünyaya… Savaş Yok Sınıf Savaşı Var!

| English | Italiano | Français | Español | Čeština | Deutsch | Português | Русский | Türkçe | PDF |

Kapitalist savaşla karşı karşıya kalan devrimcilerin pozisyonu her zaman aynıdır: toplumsal devrimi savaşa karşı koymak, “kendi” burjuvazilerine ve “kendi” ulusal devletlerine karşı mücadele etmek.
GCI-ICG, Savaş Konusunda Devrimci Pozisyonun Değişmezliği: Devrimci Yenilgiciliğin Anlamı – Komünizm No.12

7 Ekim 2023 – “İsrail/Filistin” topraklarında karşıt kapitalist gruplar arasında on yıllardır süren kanlı çatışmanın bir başka günü. Burjuva efendilerimiz bir kez daha proleter kardeşlerimizi birbirlerini öldürmeye zorluyor ve bizden – nerede yaşadığımıza bağlı olarak – bir ya da diğer tarafı desteklememizi bekliyor.

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Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - Other languages, Other languages, Türkçe | Leave a comment

[Italia] Non saremo complici. Saremo disertori (Spoleto, marzo 2024) (it, en, fr, es, de)

/ Italiano / English / Français / Español / Deutsch /

Fonte: https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/04/non-saremo-complici-saremo-disertori-spoleto-marzo-2024/

Rispondendo a un’interrogazione parlamentare, il ministro della guerra Guido Crosetto ha confermato che lo Stabilimento militare per il munizionamento terrestre (Smmt) di Baiano di Spoleto potrebbe presto produrre i nuovi missili e munizioni da inviare in Ucraina per sostenere la guerra in corso. L’Agenzia industrie Difesa (Aid) ha infatti candidato tre suoi siti produttivi – quello spoletino, quello di Capua e quello di Fontana Liri – per il bando dell’Unione europea Asap, che prevede lo stanziamento di 500 milioni di euro per produrre nuovi armamenti da inviare a Kiev.

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Posted in [Ukraine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Nos traductions, Other languages, Our translations, Ucraina, Ucrania, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine | Leave a comment

От Газы до Тель-Авива и по всему миру… Никакой войны, кроме классовой!

| English | Italiano | Français | Español | Čeština | Deutsch | Português | Русский | Türkçe | PDF |

Позиция революционеров, столкнувшихся с капиталистической войной, всегда одна и та же: противопоставить войне социальную революцию, бороться против «своей» буржуазии и «своего» национального государства.
GCI-ICG, Неизменность позиции революционеров в отношении войны: смысл революционного пораженчества – “Communism”, №12

7 октября 2023 года: еще один день кровавого, длящегося десятилетиями конфликта между противоборствующими капиталистическими группировками на территории «Израиля/Палестины». Наши буржуазные хозяева вновь толкают наших пролетарских братьев и сестер на убийство друг друга и ждут, что мы – в зависимости от места, где мы живем – сплотимся в поддержку той или иной стороны.

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Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - Other languages, Other languages, Русский | Leave a comment

[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian, neither Jewish nor Muslim… We are the proletariat! [2003]

/ English / Français / Español / Deutsch / Čeština / Italiano / PDF /

Source in French: Communisme n°54, April 2003

There is not, there has never been and there will never be capitalism without war. If we want to prevent wars, we must abolish capitalism. There is no other way to achieve a world without war.

But to bring down capitalism, it is essential that the part of the society that makes up its exploited being, and which manifests itself as the living contradiction to the economic tyranny, should constitute itself as a single revolutionary class against the bourgeoisie, as a single party structuring its strength beyond any religion, ideology or nationality.

Internationalism is the proletarian response to the efforts of capitalist rivals to unite the exploited around the national economy and make them kill each other by lining them up behind their respective flags: nations, regions, national liberation fronts, socialist countries, anti-imperialist fronts, oppressed peoples… The key to overcome the contradictions in which capitalism tries to isolate the proletariat and to divide it by States, lies in the absolute rejection of any recruitment in a national camp. The exploited all over the world have no interests in common with those who exploit them, and nothing in the inter-imperialist contradictions can halt the worsening, at whatever level, of their situation as exploited, nothing in the inter-bourgeois balance of forces can relativize their interest in fighting the capitalist class relentlessly.

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Posted in [GCI-ICG], [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - English, Blog - Čeština, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Čeština, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Maghreb - Mašrek, Other languages, Our translations, Třídní boj ve Světě | Leave a comment

[A$AP] Journal n°3 – Revolution Now!

Le prolétariat français n’a pas été envoyé au front, mais la guerre a des répercussions par-delà les frontières ukrainiennes. Car une guerre, ça coûte cher ! Partout les prix explosent, les salaires stagnent. Les Etats dépensent et s’organisent pour les conflits à venir, le gouvernement allemand s’offre une reconstruction de son armée pour 100 milliards d’euros. Macron s’est mis en scène en grand négociateur du conflit face à l’agression de Poutine. A quelques jours du second tour des législatives il s’affiche en déplacement à Kiev où ses ministres trouvent le climat « magnifique, il fait très beau ». Les photos sur les champs de bataille n’auront pas eu l’effet escompté, quelques jours après c’est la douche froide, pas de majorité pour Manu Macron. On entend déjà certain parler d’union nationale, mais l’abstention parle d’elle-même, on a tous capté la douille et c’est pas l’alliance en carton de la Nupes qui aura mené les prolos à l’isoloir.

C’est une guerre contre le prolétariat ! Partout le prolétariat c’est la classe qui meurt le fusil à la main, c’est la classe qui produit des tas de camelotes qu’elle est forcée de payer pour « vivre ». Le capitalisme mondial est en pleine transformation, la guerre et la crise en sont des symptômes. Cette situation qui entraîne remouds, révoltes, et soulèvements. Sous la surface, le magma gronde encore invisible mais incandescent, prêt à exploser et à réduire en cendre le vieux monde.

Nous n’avons ni patrie ni nation ! La seule guerre à laquelle nous voulons participer c’est la guerre de classe. Nous c’est quelques prolos contre la guerre, le travail, l’Etat et tant d’autres choses. Ce journal se veut une participation à la lutte des classes en cherchant à saisir ce monde si complexe et en diffusant des positions communistes et révolutionnaires. Nous devons rompre notre isolement, pour détruire la société de classe, camarades à travers le monde rencontrons nous, organisons-nous, à l’attaque !

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Posted in [Ukraine], Blog - Français, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, Français, Internationalisme, Ukraine | Leave a comment

[Italia] Due contributi da Luigi Palli (it, fr, en, de)

/ Italiano / Français / English / Deutsch /

Riceviamo e diffondiamo questi due scritti da Luigi, da 6 mesi agli arresti domiciliari con tutte le restrizioni per l’inchiesta Scripta scelera contro il giornale anarchico internazionalista “Bezmotivny”.

Contributo alle giornate internazionaliste a Praga dal 20 al 26 maggio 2024

Fonte: https://ilrovescio.info/2024/02/09/contributo-alle-giornate-internazionaliste-a-praga-dal-20-al-26-maggio-2024/

Innanzitutto, voglio congratularmi e salutare i compagni di Třídní Válka, per il loro impegno e costanza. In questi ultimi due tristi anni di guerra si sono attivati, anche e soprattutto nel contattare gruppi rivoluzionari all’estero, cosa che – a mio parere – pochi alle nostre latitudini hanno fatto.

Detto ciò, devo precisare, ahimè, un paio di questioni. Sono stato invitato (come tutta la redazione di “Bezmotivny”) alla settimana di azione internazionale contro la guerra, che si terrà a Praga tra il 20 e il 26 maggio 2024. In quanto redattore del quindicinale anarchico internazionalista “Bezmotivny” è giusto dire che non potrò partecipare. O almeno, da qui a maggio è lunga, ma non credo che le disposizioni che lo Stato italiano ha imposto nei nostri confronti cambieranno.

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Vos guerres ! Nos morts ! “Sir! No Sir!”

/ English / Français / Čestína / PDF /

  • Présentation de Guerre de Classe
  • Thèses sur la guerre en Ukraine (ASI)
  • La guerre du capital en Ukraine (Clandestina)
  • Vos guerres – Nos morts (FAO)
  • Postface : Défaitisme révolutionnaire (Guerre de Classe)

Présentation de Guerre de Classe

Nous présentons ici trois textes (que nous avons traduits en français) initialement publiés à l’initiative du groupe de discussion Balkan Anarchists Against War dans le cadre du salon du livre anarchiste des Balkans qui s’est tenu à Ljubljana en Slovénie en juillet 2023 (BAB 2023).

Nous avons plusieurs choses à dire tant au niveau du cadre général dans lequel cette discussion a eu lieu que des textes eux-mêmes.

Tout d’abord, exposons les raisons pour lesquelles nous n’avons pas participer physiquement à ce salon du livre, après avoir entretenu une correspondance avec les organisateurs et en avoir discuté avec plusieurs camarades autour de nous qui se demandaient s’il fallait y aller ou non.

Le principal bémol était la position (ou l’absence de position claire) que les organisateurs du BAB 2023 ont finalement adoptée sur l’attitude du mouvement anarchiste vis-à-vis de la guerre en Ukraine.

La question cruciale qui nous préoccupe tous est le soutien de certains anarchistes, mais aussi d’organisations entières, au camp ukrainien dans la guerre actuelle et l’espace qui pouvait leur être accordé au sein du BAB.

Nous suivons de près la discussion sur le thème du défaitisme révolutionnaire par rapport au soutien d’un camp de la guerre, discussion qui se déroule actuellement dans le mouvement et qui a également touché les organisateurs du salon du livre puisqu’ils y ont programmé un groupe de discussion Balkan Anarchists against War qui a traité de cette question.

Pour nous, comme toute discussion qui n’est pas destinée à être une simple présentation stérile de deux points de vue opposés, la discussion sur l’attitude anarchiste envers la guerre doit être basée sur des postulats partagés, sur des attitudes communes, qui pour nous sont l’antimilitarisme, l’internationalisme et le défaitisme révolutionnaire. En bref, le refus de soutenir l’un ou l’autre des belligérants.

Si le mouvement anarchiste (et plus généralement le mouvement prolétarien qui porte la nécessité d’abolir le capitalisme dans sa totalité) doit discuter de ce qu’il faut faire en cas de guerre, il doit discuter de la façon d’organiser la résistance à la guerre dans une perspective révolutionnaire (actions concrètes aussi bien que positions programmatiques), et non pas quel camp il faudrait soutenir.

Pour nous, donner de l’espace aux bellicistes dans le mouvement anarchiste (dans le camp prolétarien) et dans sa discussion, c’est empêcher cette même discussion sur les questions vitales du prolétariat.

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Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - Français, Français, Internationalisme, Nos traductions, Ukraine | Leave a comment

Your Wars! Our Dead! “Sir! No Sir!”

/ English / Français / Čestína / PDF /

  • Class War’s Presentation
  • Theses on the war in Ukraine (ASI)
  • Capital’s war in Ukraine (Clandestina)
  • Your wars – Our dead (FAO)
  • Afterword: Revolutionary defeatism (Class War)

Class War’s Presentation

We present here three texts (which we have translated into French) originally published on the initiative of the cluster discussion “Balkan Anarchists Against War” at the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia in July 2023 (BAB 2023).

We have a number of things to say about both the general framework in which this discussion took place and the texts themselves.

First of all, let’s set out the reasons why we didn’t physically attend this bookfair, after corresponding with the organizers and discussing with several comrades around us who were asking themselves whether or not to go.

The main drawback was the position (or the lack of a clear position) the BAB 2023 organizers finally adopted on the anarchist movement’s attitude towards the war in Ukraine.

The crucial question we all worry about is the support of some anarchists but also of whole organizations for the Ukrainian side in the current war and the space that could be given to them in BAB.

We closely follow the discussion on the topic of revolutionary defeatism versus supporting one war side, discussion that is currently going on in the movement and that also touched the bookfair organizers as they have scheduled a cluster discussion “Balkan Anarchists against War” which dealt with this question.

For us, as any discussion that is not meant to be just a sterile presentation of two opposing views, the discussion about the anarchist attitude towards war must be based on shared assumptions, on common attitudes, which for us are anti-militarism, internationalism and revolutionary defeatism. In brief, the refusal to support one or the other warring side.

If the anarchist movement (and, more generally, the proletarian movement that embodies the need to abolish capitalism as a whole) is to discuss what to do in war, it must discuss how to organize resistance to it within a revolutionary perspective (concrete actions as well as programmatic positions), not which side to support.

For us, giving space to warmongers in the anarchist movement (in the proletarian camp) and its discussion means preventing this very discussion about the vital issues of the proletariat.

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Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, English, Internationalism, Ukraine | Leave a comment