[Tristan Leoni] En Ukraine, des anarchistes sous l’uniforme ? (fr, de, cs, it)

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En Ukraine, des anarchistes sous l’uniforme ?

« Il est tragique mais non dépourvu d’enseignement de se rappeler que durant les deux dernières guerres mondiales le monde ouvrier, comme les autres, a, dans sa majorité, marché dans chaque camp derrière le drapeau de ses propres exploiteurs en dépit de la lutte héroïque d’une poignée d’ouvriers et d’intellectuels révolutionnaires. »
Ngo Van

« Brigades anarchistes », « milices libertaires », « bataillons antiautoritaires », « combattants d’extrême gauche », « antifas », « libertaires », etc., le vocabulaire est assez confus et reflète la difficile appréhension du phénomène. Malgré tout, la plupart des grands médias occidentaux ont consacré quelques lignes ou quelques minutes à un aspect a priori exotique de la guerre en Ukraine : la présence de militants anarchistes et d’extrême gauche dans les rangs de ceux qui luttent contre l’armée russe. Voilà qui n’est pas commun !
Depuis le printemps 2022, le discours de ces combattants a été relayé en Occident au sein des milieux anarchistes, libertaires, antifas, squat, voire autonomes ; loin de paraître déboussolés, ces Ukrainiens s’adressent à « nous », présentent leurs actions comme un modèle politique à suivre et demandent notre soutien financier ; il n’est donc pas inintéressant ni inapproprié de s’attarder, y compris de manière critique, sur ce qu’ils nous disent, mais aussi sur leurs pratiques, qui, curieusement, ne sont décrites que de manière très succincte et, le plus souvent, dans un flou lexical déconcertant. Manière d’esquisser une image du militantisme révolutionnaire européen contemporain, de ses influences, de ses limites1.

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[HL12] Leur guerre, nos morts (fr, de)

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Nous avons reçu et nous publions

Trois ans déjà ! Plusieurs centaines de milliers de cadavres et trois fois plus de mutilés. La guerre qui touche l’est du continent européen a transformé cet endroit en un gigantesque charnier. Depuis 1945, l’Europe n’avait plus connu une telle hécatombe sur son sol. Au front ou à l’arrière, le quotidien de millions d’individus s’en trouve bouleversé. Mais les forces militaires en présence n’ont qu’un seul but, la victoire sur le champ de bataille, quels que soient les coûts financiers, les pertes humaines. Les appareils de production respectifs sont transformés en économies de guerre. Les usines tournent à plein régime pour produire tanks, obus, canons, fusils automatiques, avions, uniformes ou drones de combats. De nouvelles usines sortent du sol et mobilisent toutes les ressources du pays. Des milliers d’ouvriers sont contraints de travailler dans des conditions toujours plus pénibles, justifiées par la défense de la sacro-sainte « Mère-Patrie ». Mais ce n’est pas suffisant. Chaque adversaire s’adresse à ses alliés pour qu’ils lui fournissent de quoi frapper plus fort. Avec une production d’armes qui bat son plein, avec une industrie de destruction qui prend toujours plus d’ampleur, les quatre coins de la planète se retrouvent impliqués dans cette guerre. On espérait en secret que cela ne se passerait pas, mais c’est fait. Ces saloperies de bruits de bottes et de sons du canon sont bel et bien entrés dans nos existences et font désormais partie de notre quotidien. La guerre n’est plus une hypothèse lointaine, confinée à des pays exotiques, elle fait partie de notre présent et d’aucuns voudraient que nous la vivions comme notre seul futur possible.

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Action week – 2024 – Akční týden (en, cs, fr, es, de)

Together against capitalist wars and capitalist peace! – // – Společně proti kapitalistickým válkám a kapitalistickému míru!


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[AW2024] KRAS-IWA: To The Internationalist Anti-War Conference In Prague (en, fr, cs, es, nl)

/ English / Français / Čeština / Español / Nederlands /

Dear comrades!

We in the KRAS-IWA, as heirs to the anarchist anti-militarist tradition of the 1915 Manifesto, welcome participants in the international conference who have gathered to speak out against capitalist war and capitalist so-called “peace” and to denounce the supposed leftists and pseudo-anarchists who take sides in the capitalist wars. We hope that this forum will be an important step in establishing practical interaction from below and across all organizational boundaries between all genuine anti-war and anti-militarist social revolutionary forces.

Unfortunately, the situation in this country and the difficulty of communication with foreign Europe do not give us the opportunity to directly participate in the conference. But in spirit we are with you. We are sending you a statement of our position on the issue of war and ask you to familiarize the conference participants with it.

International Secretariate of KRAS-IWA

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[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian… [Book]

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Class War’s Presentation

Here we present you the text written by Internationalist Communist Group [GCI-ICG], that was originally published in its central review Communism n. 54 in 2003, during “the Second Intifada” uprising. It is a very important contribution to the deconstruction, denunciation and dismantlement of the bourgeois myth of a national community, supposedly bridging the unbridgeable class conflict between the exploited – the proletariat and the exploiters – the bourgeoisie.

Against this myth, that in the territory of “Israel/Palestine” takes form of either “Jewish homeland” or “Palestinian national liberation”, this text imposes the perspective of proletarian militant subjectivity. It brings forward many examples of class struggle in the territories under the control of either the Fatah-led Palestinian government, and Hamas at the time of writing not yet in government, but ascending and already fulfilling their role of the Islamic social-democracy, or of the Zionist regime. Nowadays, Hamas has become the ruling faction in Gaza and the brutality and intensity of the war, in particular extermination tactics of IDF in Gaza reached the unprecedented levels, but the insistence of communists on revolutionary defeatism without compromise and against all bourgeois falsifications does not change.

Historically, the social-democratic forces, have occasionally adopted the concept of revolutionary defeatism, but applied it so inconsistently – only to wars in the past, wars on the other side of the globe or wars, where none of their bourgeois allies were involved in – that it became only an empty (and manipulative) rhetoric.

Against this, ICG stresses the invariance and the central role of the revolutionary defeatist position in the communist program, the necessity of struggle for defeat of “our own” side in any capitalist war, against the bourgeoisie in “our own” country, the necessity to fraternize with the proletarians in the “enemy” camp, all this regardless of which side of the inter-bourgeois conflict is considered “the attacker” or “the attacked”, “the oppressor” or “the oppressed”, “the colonizer” or “the colonized”.

To get this point across, ICG references a leaflet “Jewish workers, comrades” produced by the group RKD (Revolutionäre Kommunisten Deutschlands or Revolutionary Communists of Germany) and distributed in the height of the biggest capitalist slaughter of proletariat so far, on May 1st, 1943. The leaflet is also attached in the bulletin, with comments by ICG as well as brief history of RKD and other revolutionary groups at the time of “WW2”.

Last point we want to make concerns the ICG organization itself. We consider their decades long activity and their contribution to the reappropriation of the historical program of the proletarian class by the community of struggle to be particularly important and very close to our positions. It is also important to make a point, that the historical ICG does not exist anymore. As any militant organization in the history of the movement, despite all its strengths, it was not immune to the internal contradictions. Eventually, couple of years ago these contradictions led to its dissolution as an organization keeping its militant continuity. Several ex-militants (in a literal sense), forming so-called Kilombo collective, keep talking and signing their materials in ICG’s name but, in reality, have completely hijacked the programmatic content of the group in favor of vulgar, idealist and conspiracy-theory prone ideological fantasy. We have to warn our comrades of this falsification.

Class War / April 2024

[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian, neither Jewish nor Muslim… We are the proletariat! [2003]

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[GCI-ICG] Non siamo né israeliani né palestinesi, né ebrei né musulmani… Siamo il proletariato! [2003]

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Presentazione di Guerra di classe

Ecco vi presentiamo il testo del Gruppo Comunista Internazionalista [GCI-ICG], originalmente pubblicato nella sua rivista centrale Comunismo n. 54 in 2003, durante rivolta della “Seconda Intifada”. Si tratta di un contribuito molto importante alla decostruzione, denuncia e smantellamento del mito borghese della comunità nazionale, apparentemente riconciliare il conflitto della classe inconciliabile tra gli sfruttati – il proletariato e gli sfruttatori – la borghesia.

Contro questo mito, che nel territorio di “Israele/Palestina” prende la forma di sia “la patria per gli ebrei” sia “la liberazione nazionale palestinese”, questo materiale impone la prospettiva della soggettività militante proletaria. Porta avanti molti esempi della lotta di classe nei territori controllati sia dal governo palestinese guidato dal Fatah e, al momento della stesura non ancora parte del governo, già ascendente e svolgendo il suo ruolo della socialdemocrazia islamica – Hamas, sia dal regime sionista. Ora, Hamas è diventato la fazione al potere in Gaza, e la brutalità e intensità della guerra, in particolare la tattica del sterminio dalle IDF hanno raggiunto i livelli senza precedenti, ma l’insistenza dei comunisti al disfattismo rivoluzionario senza compromessi e contro tutte le falsificazioni borghesi non cambia.

Storicamente le forze socialdemocratiche hanno occasionalmente adottato il concetto del disfattismo rivoluzionario, ma lo hanno applicato in modo così inconsistente – solo alle guerre del passato, alle guerre dall’altra parte del mondo o alle guerre dove non si schiera nessun alleato borghese di loro – che è diventato solo la vuota (e manipolatore) retorica.

Contro questo, il GCI sottolinea l’invarianza e centralità al programma comunista della posizione di disfattismo rivoluzionario, la necessità di lotta per sconfitta del “nostro proprio” campo in ogni guerra capitalista, contro la borghesia in “nostro proprio” paese; necessità di fraternizzazione con i proletari nel campo “nemico”, tutto ciò a prescindere da quale lato del conflitto interborghese è considerato “l’aggressore” o “l’aggredito”, “l’oppressore” o “l’oppresso”, “il colonizzatore” o “il colonizzato”.

Per sottolineare questo punto, il GCI riferisce a un volantino “Gli operai ebrei, compagni” prodotto da un gruppo RKD (Revolutionäre Kommunisten Deutschlands o I Comunisti Rivoluzionari di Germania) e distribuito nella piena carneficina capitalista del proletariato più grande finora, il primo maggio 1943. Il volantino è allegato nella rivista con le note da GCI, insieme alla corta storia di RKD e altri gruppi rivoluzionari del tempo di “Seconda Guerra Mondiale”.

L’ultimo punto che vogliamo fare riguarda la stessa organizzazione GCI. Noi consideriamo loro attività decennale e loro contribuito alla riappropriazione del programma storico proletario dalla comunità di lotta, di essere dell’importanza particolare e di essere molto vicina alle nostre posizioni. È anche importante sottolineare, che il GCI storico non esiste più. Proprio come nessun’altra organizzazione militante nella storia del movimento, nonostante i sui punti di forza, la non era immune alle contraddizioni interne. Alla fine queste contraddizioni hanno portato hanno portato alla sua dissoluzione come un’organizzazione mantenendo la sua continuità militante. Alcuni ex-militanti (in senso letterale), hanno creato il cosiddetto collettivo “Kilombo” e continua a parlare e segnare i suoi materiali in nome di GCI, ma in realtà hanno completamente falsificato il contenuto programmatico del gruppo a favore di una fantasia ideologica volgare, idealista e predisposta alle teorie di complotto. Dobbiamo avvertire i nostri compagni di questa falsificazione.

Guerra di Classe / aprile 2024

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[AW2024] Interview with the Organising committee of the Action Week (en, de, cs, fr, es, it)

/ English / Deutsch / Čeština / Français / Español / Italiano /

For the week of 20-26 May, an organising committee (OC) is inviting radical  opponents of war from all over Europe to a week of action and a conference “against capitalist wars and capitalist peace” in Prague. In an interview with Transmitter, the organisers explain the aim of this meeting and their view of the war in Ukraine and how various left-wing movements are dealing with it.

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Vaše války! Naši mrtví! „Sir! No Sir!“

/ English / Français / Čestína / PDF /

  • Úvod Třídní války
  • Teze o válce na Ukrajině (ASI)
  • Válka kapitálu na Ukrajině (Clandestina)
  • Vaše války – naši mrtví (FAO)
  • Doslov: Revoluční defétismus (Třídní válka)

Úvod Třídní války

Představujeme tři texty (které jsme přeložili do češtiny a do francouzštiny) původně publikované z iniciativy diskuzní skupiny „Balkan Anarchists Against War“ na Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB 2023), který se konal ve Slovinsku začátkem loňského července.

K obecnému rámci, ve kterém se tato diskuse odehrávala, i k textům samotným, bychom chtěli říci několik věcí.

Nejprve uveďme důvody, proč jsme se, poté, co jsme si dopisovali s organizátory a diskutovali s mnoha soudruhy kolem nás, kteří si také kladli otázku, zda na bookfair jet či nejet, fyzicky tohoto knižního veletrhu nezúčastnili.

Hlavním problémem byl pro nás postoj (nebo nedostatek jasného postoje), který organizátoři BAB 2023 nakonec zaujali vůči přístupu anarchistického hnutí k válce na Ukrajině.

Zásadní otázkou, která nás všechny znepokojovala, byla podpora některých anarchistů, ale i celých organizací, pro ukrajinskou stranu v současné válce a prostor, který by jí mohl být v rámci BAB poskytnut.

Pozorně sledujeme diskusi na téma revoluční defétismus versus podpora jedné válečné strany, diskusi, která v hnutí aktuálně probíhá, a která se dotkla i organizátorů knižního veletrhu, protože naplánovali diskuzi „Balkánští anarchisté proti válce“, jenž se touto otázkou zabývala.

Pro nás, jako každá diskuse, která nemá být jen sterilní prezentací dvou protichůdných názorů, musí být i diskuse o anarchistickém postoji k válce založena na sdílených předpokladech, na společných postojích, kterými jsou pro nás antimilitarismus, internacionalismus a revoluční defétismus. Stručně řečeno, odmítnutí podporovat jednu nebo druhou válčící stranu.

Má-li anarchistické hnutí (a obecně proletářské hnutí ztělesňující potřebu zrušit kapitalismus jako celek) diskutovat o tom, co dělat ve válce, musí diskutovat o tom, jak zorganizovat odpor proti ní v rámci revoluční perspektivy (konkrétní akce i programové pozice), a ne o tom, kterou stranu podpořit.

Dát prostor válečným štváčům v anarchistickém hnutí (v proletářském táboře) a v jeho diskusi pro nás znamená zabránit právě této debatě o životně důležitých otázkách proletariátu.

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[AW2024] Demonstration against capitalist wars and capitalist peace (en, cs, fr, de, nl, it, es, pt)

/ English / Čeština / Français / Deutsch / Nederlands / Italiano / Español / Português /

The collective organizing the May Action Week in Prague is calling for an anti-war demonstration to take place on Friday 24 May 2024 at 5pm on Palacký Square.

War is a phenomenon that not only theoretically, but also very concretely intrudes upon everyone’s life. Under the current social order, there is no boundary separating life in war from life in peace. We are all at war. Only the ways in which the reality of war affects us differ. Some are living on the home front in bombed-out cities, others are sent to the front to serve as cannon fodder, and some others are forced to sell their labor force, which turns the wheels of the war economy. We are all also targets of war propaganda designed to induce us to engage in one form of war or another. Finally, we are also all indoctrinated with the so-called duty to sacrifice ourselves in war for the sake of the country, the nation, the people, the economy, democracy, religion…

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[GCI-ICG] The West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem… the bourgeoisie is preparing another massacre against the proletarian struggle [1988]

/ English / Français / Español /

Source: Internationalist Communist Group (ICG), Communism n°5, October 1988, pp.52-60

The world bourgeoisie and all its mixed factions – from the PLO to Reagan, via the States of Israel, Syria, Egypt, etc. – whatever position they hold and whatever solution they propose for the conflict, all want to make a strictly “Palestinian” problem out of the riots in the Gaza Strip, the West-Bank and East Jerusalem. Their speeches on “the right, or otherwise, of the Palestinian people to self-determination” drown the sound of their tanks, beatings and bombings.

But in Gaza, the West-Bank, in the Lebanon and elsewhere, when the so-called “Palestinian refugees” (who not only come from Palestine, but also from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or even Pakistan) begin to shout cries of revolt and to rise against the appalling living conditions imposed on them, it is the struggle of a class, of a class whose proletarian condition has flared up there more than elsewhere, but which can be seen in all the concentration camps of the capitalist world, be they death camps, prisons, law courts, cattle pens so nicely referred to as “homes for immigrant workers”, shanty-towns, or even our hard-labour camps, commonly known as factories, companies,… for those who have not yet been banished to the “camps of surpluses”.

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