[Italy] Against the War

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Source in Italian: https://ilrovescio.info/2023/05/24/contro-la-guerra-rompere-il-fronte-sabotare-insorgere/

The war in Ukraine is the consequence of 30 years of encirclement operated by the NATO towards the Russian Federation.

The war in Ukraine didn’t begin with the Russian invasion of February 2022 but with the military (and neo-Nazi) aggression against the Russian-speaking populations of Donbass initiated and legitimised by pro-EU and pro-NATO governments since 2014.

The war in Ukraine, like all wars, is a war against proletarians: first of all, against the Ukrainian proletarians, used as meat for slaughter in defence of NATO imperialism, and against the Russian ones, sent to die and to kill at the front. Indirectly, it is a war against all proletarians, starting from those of the countries of the EU and the NATO: we, the exploited in the west, will pay for the support of the war, the sending of weapons, soaring defence spending, the productive effort of the industrial-military complex, first of all with cuts in pensions, health care and wages. An increasing share of socially produced wealth will be allocated to the war, the war economy will be imposed with the state of emergency.

The militarisation of the home front, the increasing of repression against those who struggle. The military support supplied by all the western States to the Ukrainian State makes us accomplices of war. Politicians and men of State have no qualms about exposing populations to the potential consequences.

The war in Ukraine is bringing us dangerously close to a possible third world war and nuclear apocalypse: the Russian State is openly threatening the use of atomic weapons (the European countries, for their part, announce that they are sending depleted uranium weapons).

The war in Ukraine is a profitable business for the western bosses, who have every interest in it continuing as long and as destructively as possible: not only because of the huge profits of the war industry, but also for the tempting reconstruction business.


The task of the Russian and Ukrainian proletarians is to rise up against their respective States, put into practice renitence, desertion, defeatism, sabotage, attack on the home front. All that is already happening and deserves the widest class and internationalist solidarity.

The task of proletarians of the west is to rebel against the respective States, above all prevent the sending of weapons, sabotage the war industry, oppose themselves against military servitude and the USA-NATO presence, against war propaganda and the interclassist lie of national unity.

The weapons at our disposition are those always in the hands of proletarians: strike, block, sabotage, direct action. Only a strong and determined recovery of the class conflict can get us out of the nightmare of the war.



English translation: https://actforfree.noblogs.org/post/2023/06/03/against-the-war-break-the-front-sabotage-revolt-trentino-italy/

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