[Italia] Texts on the Israeli-Palestinian issue from various anarchist and Marxist Left groups

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Source in Italian: https://piccolifuochivagabondi.noblogs.org/post/2023/10/17/testi-sulla-questione-israelo-palestinese-di-diversi-gruppi-anarchici-e-della-sinistra-marxista/

Contribution from comrades in Italy:

We publish below a series of articles and/or communiqués from various anarchist and Marxist Left groups (mainly currents of libertarian communists) from various parts of the world, relating to the Israeli-Palestinian issue and the resurgence of the conflict in Palestine, which has been unfolding for decades now and is being seen with greater intensity since the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, mainly against civilians, in Israeli-occupied territories. It appears clearly, at least to us, that this conflict has both Jewish and Palestinian populations as offended parties, the latter being oppressed not only by the Jewish State but also by Islamist groups such as Hamas, which in our view do not represent at all the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian population and its aspiration for liberation, but are also the result of political calculations from regions other than Palestine (from Iran, for example).

At the time of writing, Israeli air force and army are carrying out a massacre in retaliation of unprecedented proportions inside the Gaza Strip, where there is an almost total lack of water, food, electricity and where homes, schools, hospitals, ambulances, entire neighborhoods, up to even UN international humanitarian facilities are being hit and razed by missiles. Netanyahu’s murderous government has forced the Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip, while closing every doorway to exit. This is while the Egyptian government also continues to keep the border crossings closed to Gaza, which is now the largest open-air prison in the world, where there is now no place that can be called safe for one’s safety. What we are witnessing is a murderous will to exterminate an entire population. This indiscriminate behavior, the latest in a long series of infamous deeds carried out by the Israeli State, will only breed hatred, anti-Semitism and feed the reservoir of Islamist religious nationalism. As we know well, nationalisms and fundamentalisms feed off each other. The spiral they generate seems interminable and the widening of the conflict to other countries, regional actors and beyond, already appears as something possible (Iran has threatened to intervene if the attacks on Gaza do not stop, in Lebanon armed skirmishes have flared up on either side of the border between Hezbollah and the Israeli military, in Syria Israel has bombed Aleppo airport, the US has sent an aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean and is also sending weapons to Israel from the Italian base at Sigonella…). The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is, indeed, a long dispute that has never been resolved, but it also appears today, like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, to be one of the steps that imperialist States and blocs are taking on the road to the overall world conflict. [our emphasis, Class War]

Piccoli Fuochi Vagabondi [Small Vagabond Fires]
October 2023

PDF [in Italian]

English translation: The Friends of the Class War

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