[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian… [Book]

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Class War’s Presentation

Here we present you the text written by Internationalist Communist Group [GCI-ICG], that was originally published in its central review Communism n. 54 in 2003, during “the Second Intifada” uprising. It is a very important contribution to the deconstruction, denunciation and dismantlement of the bourgeois myth of a national community, supposedly bridging the unbridgeable class conflict between the exploited – the proletariat and the exploiters – the bourgeoisie.

Against this myth, that in the territory of “Israel/Palestine” takes form of either “Jewish homeland” or “Palestinian national liberation”, this text imposes the perspective of proletarian militant subjectivity. It brings forward many examples of class struggle in the territories under the control of either the Fatah-led Palestinian government, and Hamas at the time of writing not yet in government, but ascending and already fulfilling their role of the Islamic social-democracy, or of the Zionist regime. Nowadays, Hamas has become the ruling faction in Gaza and the brutality and intensity of the war, in particular extermination tactics of IDF in Gaza reached the unprecedented levels, but the insistence of communists on revolutionary defeatism without compromise and against all bourgeois falsifications does not change.

Historically, the social-democratic forces, have occasionally adopted the concept of revolutionary defeatism, but applied it so inconsistently – only to wars in the past, wars on the other side of the globe or wars, where none of their bourgeois allies were involved in – that it became only an empty (and manipulative) rhetoric.

Against this, ICG stresses the invariance and the central role of the revolutionary defeatist position in the communist program, the necessity of struggle for defeat of “our own” side in any capitalist war, against the bourgeoisie in “our own” country, the necessity to fraternize with the proletarians in the “enemy” camp, all this regardless of which side of the inter-bourgeois conflict is considered “the attacker” or “the attacked”, “the oppressor” or “the oppressed”, “the colonizer” or “the colonized”.

To get this point across, ICG references a leaflet “Jewish workers, comrades” produced by the group RKD (Revolutionäre Kommunisten Deutschlands or Revolutionary Communists of Germany) and distributed in the height of the biggest capitalist slaughter of proletariat so far, on May 1st, 1943. The leaflet is also attached in the bulletin, with comments by ICG as well as brief history of RKD and other revolutionary groups at the time of “WW2”.

Last point we want to make concerns the ICG organization itself. We consider their decades long activity and their contribution to the reappropriation of the historical program of the proletarian class by the community of struggle to be particularly important and very close to our positions. It is also important to make a point, that the historical ICG does not exist anymore. As any militant organization in the history of the movement, despite all its strengths, it was not immune to the internal contradictions. Eventually, couple of years ago these contradictions led to its dissolution as an organization keeping its militant continuity. Several ex-militants (in a literal sense), forming so-called Kilombo collective, keep talking and signing their materials in ICG’s name but, in reality, have completely hijacked the programmatic content of the group in favor of vulgar, idealist and conspiracy-theory prone ideological fantasy. We have to warn our comrades of this falsification.

Class War / April 2024

[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian, neither Jewish nor Muslim… We are the proletariat! [2003]

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