Category Archives: Ukraine

[antimilitarismus] Anarchistický antimilitarismus a mýty o válce na Ukrajině (cs, fr, en, de, it, gr, es)

ǀ Čeština ǀ Français ǀ English ǀ Deutsch ǀ Italiano ǀ Ελληνικά ǀ Español ǀ Úvod TV: Níže zveřejněný text z blogu pokládáme za jedno z nejdůležitějších vystoupení českého anarchismu proti válce a všem válečným štváčům, kteří se, žel, hojně vyskytují … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Blog - Čeština, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Nos traductions, Ucrania, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukrajina, Ελληνικά | Comments Off on [antimilitarismus] Anarchistický antimilitarismus a mýty o válce na Ukrajině (cs, fr, en, de, it, gr, es)

Internationalist Manifesto against capitalist war and peace in Ukraine…

| Français | English | Español | Deutsch | Italiano | Čeština | Português | Polski | Bahasa Indonesia | PDF | “Their wars! Our dead!” It was under this banner that radical proletarians distanced themselves from the pacifist processions … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, English, Internationalism, Ukraine | Comments Off on Internationalist Manifesto against capitalist war and peace in Ukraine…

[Proletarios Revolucionarios] Sobre el derrotismo revolucionario y el internacionalismo proletario en la actual guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania/OTAN (es, cs, en, fr, de)

| Español | Čeština | English | Français | Deutsch | Última actualización: 22/08/2022 | Čeština | English | Fuente: “La lucha de clases del proletariado internacional contra el genocidio imperialista internacional es el mandato socialista de la hora.¡El … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Blog - Čeština, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Naše příspěvky, Nos traductions, Other languages, Our translations, Ucrania, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukrajina | Comments Off on [Proletarios Revolucionarios] Sobre el derrotismo revolucionario y el internacionalismo proletario en la actual guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania/OTAN (es, cs, en, fr, de)

[GCI-ICG] The invariance of the revolutionary position on war – The meaning of revolutionary defeatism (en, cs, fr, de, es, hu, pt, tr, el)

| English | Čeština | Français | Deutsch | Español | Magyar | Português | Türkçe | Ελληνικά | Internationalist Communist Group (ICG) The position of revolutionaries confronted with capitalist war is always the same: to oppose social revolution to … Continue reading

Posted in [GCI-ICG], [Ukraine], Blog - Čeština, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Magyar, Other languages, Português, Türkçe, Ucrania, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukrajina, Ελληνικά | Comments Off on [GCI-ICG] The invariance of the revolutionary position on war – The meaning of revolutionary defeatism (en, cs, fr, de, es, hu, pt, tr, el)

[Barbaria] Ucrania, Rusia y la importancia de las preguntas (es, en, fr, de, it, pt, bg, ru)

ǀ Español ǀ English ǀ Français ǀ Deutsch ǀ Italiano ǀ Português ǀ Български ǀ Русский ǀ

Posted in [Ukraine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Other languages, Our translations, Português, Ucrania, Ukraine, Ukraine, Български, Русский | Comments Off on [Barbaria] Ucrania, Rusia y la importancia de las preguntas (es, en, fr, de, it, pt, bg, ru)

Proletarians in Russia and in the Ukraine! On production front and military front… Comrades!

| Čeština | English | Français | Deutsch | Español | Italiano | Português | Ελληνικά | Русский ǀ PDF ǀ Rumours of war resound noisily in Europe again, cannons are loaded, fighter-bombers are packed with murderous bullets and bombs, … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, English, Internationalism, Ukraine | Comments Off on Proletarians in Russia and in the Ukraine! On production front and military front… Comrades!

Neither Ukrainian nor Russian! – Let’s develop our own camp, the third camp, that of social revolution!

Printable version | Čeština | English | Français | Italiano | Español | Español | Galego | When we wrote some months ago in our text, “War preparations between Ukraine and Russia – Show or Reality?”i that the conditions for … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, English, Ukraine | Comments Off on Neither Ukrainian nor Russian! – Let’s develop our own camp, the third camp, that of social revolution!

Ukraine: only action of proletariat can stop nationalist threatening with war

Printable version | Čeština | English | Français | Mass protests in Ukraine, which were sparked by not signing the association agreement and a free trade agreement with EU by President Yanukovych, have lasted for more than three months now … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, English, Ukraine | Comments Off on Ukraine: only action of proletariat can stop nationalist threatening with war

War preparations between Ukraine and Russia – Show or reality?

Printable version The historical collapse of a model of management of the capitalist social relation, the one that had developed among others in Eastern Europe during several decades of counterrevolution, led to the dissolution and the disappearance of the USSR … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, English, Ukraine | Comments Off on War preparations between Ukraine and Russia – Show or reality?