Category Archives: Maghreb – Mashrek


Class War 07/2018: Airstrikes On Syria! Third World War? Show Or Reality? No War But The Class War!

| Čeština | English | Français | Español | PDF | On April 14th, 2018, the big bourgeois media (which express and materialize the class interests of our exploiters and oppressors, all factions taken into account despite the conjuncture divergences … Continue reading

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Class War 06/2018: From Gaza to Iran to the whole World… Down with the exploiters!

| Čeština | English | Français | Español | Nederlands | PDF | “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”[1] Since the suppression and co-optation of the last global revolutionary attempt in the 60’s … Continue reading

Posted in [Bulletin], Activity of the group - English, Bulletin EN, Class struggle in the world, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek | Tagged | Comments Off on Class War 06/2018: From Gaza to Iran to the whole World… Down with the exploiters!

We received and publish: For the real class solidarity with the “refugee” and “immigrant” proletarians!

| Čeština | English | Français | Português | Español | Internacionální proletáři: For the real class solidarity with the “refugee” and “immigrant” proletarians! Comrades, proletarians of Europe, once again you are being told that your living standards or even your … Continue reading

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The grim reality of the Rojava Revolution – from an anarchist eyewitness

| Čeština | English | Français | We publish here a new contribution from the militant(s) known as “Anti war” whose previous article (entitled “I have seen the future and it works.” – Critical questions for supporters of the Rojava … Continue reading

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“I have seen the future and it works.” – Critical questions for supporters of the Rojava revolution

| Čeština | English | Français | The history of class struggles is teeming with a vast number of impostures; one of the most recent after the Sandinistas’ imposture in Nicaragua is that prevailing since twenty years and shaking the … Continue reading

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PKK, Democratic Confederalism, and Nonsense – Juraj Katalenac

| Čeština | English | Français | We publish here a critical text about PKK and the “Democratic Confederalism” (which we have translated into French and Czech) from militants who mainly express themselves in Croatian and gave to their structure … Continue reading

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