Category Archives: Maghreb – Mashrek


[Barbaria] Contra el nacionalismo palestino e israelí (es, en, bg, fr, it, pt, de, ru)

ǀ Español ǀ English ǀ Български ǀ Français ǀ Italiano ǀ Português ǀ Deutsch ǀ Русский ǀ Fuente: El ataque de Hamás del sábado 7 de octubre a Israel ha provocado la inmediata respuesta militar del gobierno de Netanyahu, … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Other languages, Português, Topics - English, Български, Русский | Comments Off on [Barbaria] Contra el nacionalismo palestino e israelí (es, en, bg, fr, it, pt, de, ru)

From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World… No War But Class War!

| English | Italiano | Français | Español | Čeština | Deutsch | Português | Русский | PDF | “The position of revolutionaries confronted with capitalist war is always the same: to oppose social revolution to war, to struggle against … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - English, Anti-terrorism, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek | Comments Off on From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World… No War But Class War!

Class War 15/2023: The Voice of Wrath is being heard from Iran

| English | Français | Español | Deutsch | Čeština | PDF | The Voice of Wrath is being heard from Iran Once again, the eyes of the communist militants all around the world have turned towards Iran, as a … Continue reading

Posted in [Bulletin], [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, Bulletin EN, Class struggle in the world, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek, Ukraine | Comments Off on Class War 15/2023: The Voice of Wrath is being heard from Iran

Iran: Fear has switched sides // poster (en, cs, fr, it, es, ru)

Posted in Activity of the group - Čeština, Activity of the group - English, Activity of the group - Français, Activity of the group - Other languages, Čeština, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Maghreb - Mašrek, Other languages, Třídní boj ve Světě, Русский | Comments Off on Iran: Fear has switched sides // poster (en, cs, fr, it, es, ru)

Class War 13/2021: “Rojava Revolution”? “Anti-State”? “Anti-Capitalist”? Or a new mystification?

| Čeština | English | Français | Deutsch | Español | PDF | “Rojava Revolution”? “Anti-State”? “Anti-Capitalist”? Or a new mystification? The essential question we should ask ourselves about Rojava is the following one: Is what some call the “Rojava … Continue reading

Posted in [Bulletin], [Rojava], Activity of the group - English, Bulletin EN, Class struggle in the world, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek, Our translations, Rojava | Tagged , | Comments Off on Class War 13/2021: “Rojava Revolution”? “Anti-State”? “Anti-Capitalist”? Or a new mystification?

[Tristan Leoni] Irak, de l’émeute à l’impossible réforme (2018-2019) (fr) (en) (es) (pt)

| Français | English | Español | Português | Dernière mise à jour : 05/09/2021 | Português | Première partie / Rage et incendies 2018 « J’ai arrêté l’école en primaire, mais je savais déjà tirer à la kalachnikov. On s’entraînait dans … Continue reading

Posted in Blog - English, Blog - Français, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, English, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Our translations, Português | Tagged , , | Comments Off on [Tristan Leoni] Irak, de l’émeute à l’impossible réforme (2018-2019) (fr) (en) (es) (pt)

“From Baghdad to Beirut, we shall continue. No Sunni no Shia…” (ar) (ku) (en) (fr) (de) (es)

| English | العربية | کوردی | Français | Deutsch | Español | We received and publish… “From Baghdad to Beirut, we shall continue. No Sunni no Shia…” The Iraqi government is made up of all bourgeois factions in Iraq, and it … Continue reading

Posted in Blog - English, Blog - Other languages, Class struggle in the world, Deutsch, English, Español, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek, Other languages, العربية, کوردی | Tagged , , | Comments Off on “From Baghdad to Beirut, we shall continue. No Sunni no Shia…” (ar) (ku) (en) (fr) (de) (es)

Revuelta internacional contra el capitalismo mundial (es) (fr) (en) (de) (pt)

| Español | Français | English | Deutsch | Português | | Español | Oleada mundial de revueltas y situación revolucionaria (Grupo Barbaria) Balance y perspectiva de las luchas proletarias actuales en todo el mundo (Grupo Barbaria) Revuelta internacional contra … Continue reading

Posted in [Proletarios internacionalistas], Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Guerre de Classe, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Other languages, Português | Comments Off on Revuelta internacional contra el capitalismo mundial (es) (fr) (en) (de) (pt)

Afterword – Once upon a time there was an appeal for an international meeting in Kurdistan…

| English | Français | Nederlands | Deutsch | Español | Two months ago we published here an appeal for an international meeting in Kurdistan signed by “Militants in Kurdistan, Iraq” in relation with the increasing and intensification of the class … Continue reading

Posted in Activity of the group - English, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Afterword – Once upon a time there was an appeal for an international meeting in Kurdistan…