Category Archives: Maghreb – Mashrek


[Mauvais Sang] Au-delà du campisme (fr, en, de, es)

/ Français / English / Deutsch / Español / Source : Alors que le massacre insupportable à Gaza par Tsahal et ses milliers de morts continue et prend actuellement une tournure encore plus abjecte avec l’offensive sur Rafah, le climat … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Other languages | Leave a comment

[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian… [Book]

/ English / Français / Español / Deutsch / Čeština / Italiano / PDF / Class War’s Presentation Here we present you the text written by Internationalist Communist Group [GCI-ICG], that was originally published in its central review Communism n. … Continue reading

Posted in [GCI-ICG], [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - English, Blog - English, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek, Our translations | Leave a comment

[GCI-ICG] The West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem… the bourgeoisie is preparing another massacre against the proletarian struggle [1988]

/ English / Français / Español / Source: Internationalist Communist Group (ICG), Communism n°5, October 1988, pp.52-60 The world bourgeoisie and all its mixed factions – from the PLO to Reagan, via the States of Israel, Syria, Egypt, etc. – … Continue reading

Posted in [GCI-ICG], [Israel/Palestine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, English, Español, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Other languages | Leave a comment

[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian, neither Jewish nor Muslim… We are the proletariat! [2003]

/ English / Français / Español / Deutsch / Čeština / Italiano / PDF / Source in French: Communisme n°54, April 2003 There is not, there has never been and there will never be capitalism without war. If we want … Continue reading

Posted in [GCI-ICG], [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - English, Blog - Čeština, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Čeština, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Maghreb - Mašrek, Other languages, Our translations, Třídní boj ve Světě | Leave a comment

Антивоенные протесты в Израиле и Газе (ru, en, fr, es, it)

/ Русский / English / Français / Español / Italiano / Источник: Несмотря на шовинистические настроения в израильском и палестинском обществах, по обе стороны линии фронта далеко не все согласны с войной, которая началась с зверского нападения клерикал-фашистов ХАМАС … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, English, Español, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Le nostre traduzioni, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Nos traductions, Our translations, Русский | Leave a comment

Worldwide Intifada #1 (en, es, fr, it, de)

/ English / Español / Français / Italiano / Deutsch / Class War’s presentation We publish here the article “Worldwide Intifada,” which was referenced by the Aufheben group in its text “Behind the 21st century intifada.” This article brings to … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - Français, Activity of the group - Other languages, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Le nostre traduzioni, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Nos traductions | Leave a comment

[Italia] Testi sulla questione israelo-palestinese di diversi gruppi anarchici e della sinistra marxista (it, fr, en)

| Italiano | Français | English | Fonte: Pubblichiamo di seguito una serie di articoli e/o comunicati di diversi gruppi anarchici e della sinistra marxista (principalmente correnti di comunisti libertari) di varie parti del mondo, relativi alla questione israelo-palestinese … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, English, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Nos traductions, Our translations | Leave a comment

AnarCom Network // Revolutionary Anarchist Communists

ǀ English ǀ Français ǀ Last Update: 13/01/2024 Class War’s presentation We publish here several articles from the AnarCom Network, a network of Revolutionary Anarchist Communists based in Great Britain. These contributions demonstrate once again that the so-called “anarchist milieu” … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], [Ukraine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, English, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Nos traductions, Ukraine, Ukraine | Leave a comment

[noallaguerra] Contro la guerra venerdì 20 e sabato 21 ottobre, sciopero e manifestazioni. Dalla parte delle masse palestinesi. (it, fr, en)

| Italiano | Français | English | Nota editoriale successiva alla pubblicazione Dopo la discussione interna e i commenti critici ricevuti da alcuni compagni, dobbiamo rivalutare la pubblicazione del secondo appello “Dalla parte delle masse palestinesi”. Sebbene sollevi alcuni punti … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], [Ukraine], Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, English, Français, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Italiano, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Nos traductions, Other languages, Our translations, Topics - English, Ukraine, Ukraine | Leave a comment