Category Archives: Activity of the group – English

[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian… [Book]

/ English / Français / Español / Deutsch / Čeština / Italiano / PDF / Class War’s Presentation Here we present you the text written by Internationalist Communist Group [GCI-ICG], that was originally published in its central review Communism n. … Continue reading

Posted in [GCI-ICG], [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - English, Blog - English, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek, Our translations | Leave a comment

[GCI-ICG] We are neither Israeli nor Palestinian, neither Jewish nor Muslim… We are the proletariat! [2003]

/ English / Français / Español / Deutsch / Čeština / Italiano / PDF / Source in French: Communisme n°54, April 2003 There is not, there has never been and there will never be capitalism without war. If we want … Continue reading

Posted in [GCI-ICG], [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - English, Blog - Čeština, Blog - English, Blog - Français, Blog - Other languages, Čeština, Class struggle in the world, Dans le Monde Une Classe En Lutte, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Internacionalismus, Internationalism, Internationalisme, Maghreb - Machrek, Maghreb - Mashrek, Maghreb - Mašrek, Other languages, Our translations, Třídní boj ve Světě | Leave a comment

From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World… No War But Class War!

| English | Italiano | Français | Español | Čeština | Deutsch | Português | Русский | PDF | “The position of revolutionaries confronted with capitalist war is always the same: to oppose social revolution to war, to struggle against … Continue reading

Posted in [Israel/Palestine], Activity of the group - English, Anti-terrorism, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek | Comments Off on From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World… No War But Class War!

Class War 15/2023: The Voice of Wrath is being heard from Iran

| English | Français | Español | Deutsch | Čeština | PDF | The Voice of Wrath is being heard from Iran Once again, the eyes of the communist militants all around the world have turned towards Iran, as a … Continue reading

Posted in [Bulletin], [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, Bulletin EN, Class struggle in the world, English, Internationalism, Maghreb - Mashrek, Ukraine | Comments Off on Class War 15/2023: The Voice of Wrath is being heard from Iran

What’s new in “anarchism”? National self-determination and the coincidence of interests with capital?!

ǀ Čeština ǀ English ǀ Français | Русский ǀ Español ǀ Deutsch ǀ The following lines are a short response to an article by Wayne Price published on the Czech Anarchist Federation (AFed) website. The delay in our brief response … Continue reading

Posted in [Ukraine], Activity of the group - English, English, Internationalism, Ukraine | Comments Off on What’s new in “anarchism”? National self-determination and the coincidence of interests with capital?!