George Soros Domination: A Romanian Case Study

Romania is one of the European countries which is most oriented towards the Atlanticist geopolitical project. Despite its Orthodox Christian people, its elites always follow a strict pro-EU and pro-American course. The reason is very simple: it is a country where elites and civil society have been completely staffed by the US NGO’s, particular by George Soros. The story of Romania deserves attention, because it is exemplary and shows how the methods of establishing Western liberal domination actually work.

How it all began

In the early ’80s, George Soros began to finance the resistance groups and people in communist regimes in Eastern Europe promoting the ideas of «Open Society» . In 1979 «Open Society» penetrated Central and Eastern Europe (communist states), but also in many other countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In 1992, Soros founded – in Budapest – «Central European University», forming frames selected from across Eastern Europe and the former USSR, including Romania.

Officially, George Soros became engaged in Romanian affairs in the last days of 1989, after the fall of the Ceausescu regime. But some say that the work of the Hungarian-born US magnate of Jewish origin, began long before the fall of the Communist regime.

Even though he has never recognized his involvement in Romania before 1989, Soros admitted that he was involved in other communist countries, financially supporting opponents of these regimes. Given that Soros founded the Group for Social Dialogue event on the 31st of December 1989, and the Foundation Open Society in the early days of 1990, it is unlikely that the early members were found randomly off the street. It had been prepared since the time of Ceausescu regime.

According to a journalistic investigation by the Romanian Newspaper Adevarul, the early 90’s were a time of ideological subjugation of Romania by the US. Thus the US created the first Romanian private TV Channel SOTI and allocated huge sums of money to the schooling of journalists. The Soros Foundation was the main contributor to this. All structures of political opposition including independent trade unions, student unions and political parties were funded by the US funds: Soros (Open Society), Freedom House, NED, National Republican Institute.

Thus the US funds and George Soros formed the major part of Romanian political class and journalist community. For example, the current Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc was granted at this time a scholarship at the George Washington University and since that time became a US agent of influence. As it was in other post-communist countries, Soros aimed to control the education system. Between 1990 and 1994, the Foundation was busy for the elaboration of «textbooks» – written by members of the Foundation – in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

Soros’ first organization in Romania was Group for Social Dialogue (GDS) with founding members Silviu Brucan, Andrei Plesu, Gabriel Andreescu and Stelian Tanase.

Officially, Soros founded in Bucharest in 1990, the foundation named after him: «Soros Foundation». Later, the name was changed: «Open Society Foundation» (FSD). It was among the first NGOs established in Romania.

Soros’ control

The first direct representative of George Soros in Romania was Sandra Pralong (Sandra Marilyn Andreea Budis) a person who, not coincidentally, emigrated from Romania in the 70’s and then returned after Ceausescu was overthrown . Sandra Pralong was an adviser to President Emil Constantinescu and today is an adviser to the current Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

It is worth mentioning that the current Romanian prime-minister Dacian Ciolos, a former EU commissioner for agriculture, was a member of the “Friends of Europe», an association funded by the Open Society foundation. A fact he forgot to disclose to the Romanian people. However, his government was often referred to as “the Government of Soros” due to the fact that it is entirely formed from former NGO activists, Soros students, managers of multinational corporations and ardent Atlanticists. So, this country today is openly ruled by the American billionaire.

The network

In addition to GDS and the Soros Foundation, the American financier has developed a myriad of NGO’s related to his structures. Here are just a few names of them: «Soros Advising and Placement Center», «Soros Educational Advising Center», the «Union for the Reconstruction of Romania», «Centre for Partnership and Equality», «Center for Economic Development», Foundation «Concept «,» Human Rights Center – Bucharest «,» Association for Human Rights in Romania – Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH) «. Association «Pro-Democracy», «Romanian Academic Society» etc., which in turn have given birth to other NGO’s.

Among the members of these organizations you can easily find former ministers, advisers to Romanian presidents, directors of state institutions, influential journalists. Noteworthy is that three of the four Romanian presidents have had advisers or people form Soros network.

In reality it was a real network, «Soros Open Network Romania . Within this network operates a wide variety of organizations.The best known NGO’s in the «Soros Open Network Romania» (SON) are:

APD. Founded in August 1990 by Adrian Mourousis in Brasov. It was funded, first, by the «National Democratic Institute», then entered the pyramid of SON. It has 30 branches across the country and over 1,000 members. Specialization: supervision of elections, a parallel vote count, etc. Organizes every year «Summer University in Balvanyos» (Covasna), along with «Liga Pro-Europa» and «Hungarian Youth Union» and the FIDESZ.

«Pro-Democracy» is financed besides SON (ie FSD) by the «National Democratic Institute», «Freedom House», «USAID» (United States Agency for International Development) and «Westminster Foudation for Democracy».

«ROMANIAN ACADEMIC SOCIETY» (SAR). It is led by Alina Mungiu. Promoted the merger between Democratic Party and the National Liberal Party – which also realized. Thus National Liberal Party, Romanian historical party, which previously had serious souvereignist wing, was completely hijacked by Soros activists. Alina Mungiu is the anti-Orthodox activist and sister of Cristian Mungiu, Romanian film director, decorated by Oscar for his film justifying abortions.

Funding of Mungiu fund comes from the «Open Society Institute» and the «World Bank», «Freedom House» (James Woolsey), and «Marshall Fund».

«ASSOCIATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN ROMANIA Helsinki Committee» (APADOR-CH). Led at first by Renate Weber, then in 1996 Monica Macovei.

Group for Social Dialogue «(GDS). Founded in 1990. GDS includes the people, described by the media as leading intellectuals of Romania today: Gabriela Adameşteanu Mariana Celac, Andrei Cornea Andrei Oisteanu Adrian Cioroianu etc.

Leading personalities in the network «Soros Open Network Romania» were Renate Weber, Alina Mungiu, Monica Macovei, Cristian Parvulesc, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu , Adrian Cioroianu etc.

A success story

One of the best examples of work of Soros network is the career of Mihai Razvan Ungureanu the current head of Romania Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE) and former Prime-minister of the state (2012) and Foreign Minister ( 2004-2007). From 1997 Razvan Ungureanu worked for FSD. This allowed him to benefit from scholarships and internships. Thus, in ’90 -’91, Ungureanu received a scholarship to master in the St. Cross College by University of Oxford. This has allowed him to become later member of the prestigious «European Association for Jewish Studies at Oxford». In 1998, Ungureanu became a «Senior Fellow» at «Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies» within its «St. Cross College «(Oxford), the most famous center of this kind in the world. Receiving the «Posen Award», Ungureanu also benefited from a scholarship for two years (1996/1997 and 1997/1998), the renowned » Hebrew University » ​​in Jerusalem. In 2000, Ungureanu claimed courses as «Senior Reader» to «NATO School» in Oberammergau (Germany) and in 2003 Ungureanu is «senior Reader» to «George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies» in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany ). Mihai Razvan Ungureanu is just one example of the opportunities offered by FSD and George Soros to young Romanians. The same can be said of many others of those quoted above.

The Soros List

Here is a list of some of the former or current members of the Group for Social Dialogue, the Foundation Open Society and other NGO’s affiliated Open Society Romania Network presented by the Romanian media:

Dacian Ciolos – Prime-minister of Romania
Sandra Pralong – former advisor to President Emil Constantinescu, the current adviser of President Klaus Johannis.
Mihai Razvan Ungureanu – a former foreign minister (2004 – 2007), director of SIE (2007 – 2012), prime minister of Romania (February 2012 – May 2012) currently once again director of SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service)
Helvig Edward – Head of SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service), another Romanian intelligence agency, former Director General of the Institute of Social Studies, former adviser to the Minister of Interior, C. Dudu Ionescu, former adviser to Mugur Isarescu, head the Bank of Romania, former Member of Bihar, former MEP,former Minister of Regional Development and Tourism
Corina Șuteu – current Minister of Culture, former director of Romanian Cultural Institute in New York
Raluca Alexandra Prună – current Minister of Justice, founding member of Transparency International – Romania
Alexander Lăzescu – former director of TVR (Romanian State Television)
Andrei Pippidi – historian, member of the Committee that drafted Tismăneanu Report and Report on Romania’s participation in Holocausl
Vladimir Tismaneanu – political scientist, chairman of the Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania, one of the leading neoconservative intellectuals of modern Romania
Andrei Plesu – writer, Minister of Culture (December 28, 1989 – October 16, 1991) Foreign Minister (December 29, 1997 – December 22, 1999), adviser to President Traian Basescu (December 2004 – May 2005)
Catrinel Pleşu – former director, National Book Centre of the Romanian Cultural Institute (2009 – 2012)
Mihai Sora – philosopher, Minister of Education (December 1989 – June 28, 1990)
Renate Weber – adviser to President Traian Basescu (2004 – 2005) Liberal MEP.
Liviu Antonesei – writer, journalist
Alin Teodorescu – sociologist, first president of GDS, adviser to Prime Minister Adrian Nastase
Andrei Marga – philosopher, Minister of Education (1997 – 2000), Foreign Minister (May 2012 – August 2012), President of ICR (September 2012 – June 2013)
Horia Roman Patapievici – philosopher, member of the CNSAS (National Counsil for the Examination of Securitate Archives) (2000 – 2004), President of Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) (2005 – 2012)
Mircea Mihaies – literary critic, essayist, former vice-president of ICR (2005-2012)
Christian Parvulescu – political scientist, chairman of «Pro Democracy»
Victor Rebenciuc – actor
Sabina Fati – journalist
Andrei Oişteanu – ethnologist, anthropologist, member of the education committee of the National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania «Elie Wiesel»
Andreea Pora – journalist
Teodor Baconschi – theologian, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, December 2009 – January 2012, Romania’s ambassador to the Vatican, Portugal, San Marino. MFA State Secretary (2005-2006), Advisor to the President Traian Basescu (2006 – 2007)
Monica Macovei – MEP, former Minister of Justice (2004 -2007), former presidential candidate Romania
Alina Mungiu – political scientist, head of News TVR (1997 – 1998) founded the Academic Society of Romania, a teacher at SNSPA
Stelian Tanase – writer, president and CEO of TVR, former director of Reality TV
Laura Stefan – a member of the NGO «Expert Forum», director in the Ministry of Justice (2005-2007), was declared an expert of corruption by US Embassy
Adrian Cioroianu – historian, Dean of the History Faculty of the Bucharest University, was one of the supporters of the introduction of alternative textbooks, an initiative of the Soros Foundation. Former senator, Timis, former MEP, former Foreign Minister (April 2007 – April 2008)
Rodica Culcer – journalist, former referent at the US Embassy in Bucharest (1985 – 1991), former director of TVR News
Adrian Cioflâncă – researcher and former member of the CNSAS, Coat of Tismăneanu Report and Report Elie Wiesel.
Stere Gulea – director, former president of TVR
Gabriel Liiceanu – philosopher, director of the Humanitas Publishing House (formerly Publishing Policy)
Sorin Ionita – political scientist, consultant of the Council of Europe, the World Bank on Eastern Europe and the Balkans; Romania’s representative ȋn European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), sections Transport, Energy and Environment, Agriculture, former member of the Presidential Commission for Analysis of Social and Demographic Risks
Smaranda Enache – President of the NGO Pro Europa League, former ambassador of Romania in Finland (1998 – 2001)
Radu Filipescu – nephew’s brother of Petru Groza, a founding member of GDS
Armand (Armant-Constantin) Goşu – historian, former adviser to the Foreign Minister (2010-2012), was a member of the Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania, former director of the Romanian Institute for Recent History
Dan Perjovschi – cartoonist, illustrator
Mircea Toma – activist, ActiveWatch.
Michael Bumbes – historian .


Claudiu Crăciun – political scientist, lecturer of the Department of Political Science and European Studies from SNSPA, was expert in the Secretariat General of the Government and the Ministry of Education (2004-2009). His work «The Government Learning Research Project: Assessing Policy Making Reform in Romania» was published under the auspices of the Open Society Network and the Center for Political Studies at the Central European University, both founded by George Soros.


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