OrangeBook 2.0


1 Introduction

How does the infrastructure of work? And more importantly, why is it designed to work like this?

With this document we intend to uncover and describe the design choices we made since 2019 that led to the architectural implementation of the Autistici/Inventati infrastructure we use today.

This document is not only a snapshot of the current inner workings, but also an attempt at storytelling on how out infrastructure ended up being as it is now. We believe that our work might be a positive example of a complex transition from a legacy environment with a lot of accumulated technical debt to a much more modern architecture, finally suited to adequately fit the requirements set by the problem it was originally designed to solve.

In other words, we intend to evaluate how we originally implemented our infrastructure, what solutions and code we have been carrying around for years, how we dealt with the “patchwork” approach typical of light maintenance and workaround-related processes. These are the most relevant aspects that contributed to the cognitive complexity and the consequent and inherent lack of robustness of the A/I infrastructure itself. And furthermore they represent an even bigger challenge when it comes to finding and training new people desiring to be involved in A/I activity, with the objective of empowering them and to allow them to actually contribute to the project.

We are trying to create a sustainable way for volunteers to effectively participate in the maintenance and development of our infrastructure by introducing some important guidelines and best practices from the software engineering industry, without turning everyone into a professional.

In this text we use Autistici/Inventati or A/I in reference to the collective, and as domain in the various technical references, even if the infrastructure is designed to serve several domains at once:,,, etc.

1.1 Historical context

1.1.1 The R plan

The A/I project has evolved in a relatively orthodox way considering similar anticapitalist and self-managed experiences, quickly moving, as demand grew, from a single-server and experimental approach to a multi-server, geo-politically distributed and wider-audience capable setup, with the progressive introduction of different configuration management mechanisms. The service architecture has also evolved together with our improved understanding of strategical challenges posed to our projects: for instance the multi-layer structure became necessary in order to isolate the publicly exposed surface of the infrastructure, subject to legal discovery processes, from the end-user data. This implementation choice is not something we mean to discontinue, as well as the policy of distributing our servers in many different parts of the world, so as to minimize exposure to single country legislation and possible repression threats. At the same time we mean to keep considering each colocated servers as inherently insecure (we are in no position to physically certify their security) and consequently design our infrastructure as having no “irreplaceable” node and as many fallback nodes as possible.

At a practical level, we planned on acquiring access to server colocations in different parts of the world in order to avoid having one specific commercial provider as “single point of failure”. This has proved to be a key strategy and has determined the need for additional processes: first of all, the need for an organizational structure capable of addressing the financial challenges connected to recurring expenses, keeping track of contract agreements and so on. Even when considering our relatively small scale, this is already far beyond the amateur level: it is simply not acceptable, for example, to lose a month of end-users’ emails because an invoice has not been paid. At the same time, geographically distributing servers in different parts of the globe determines different techical requirements when compared with the technology used in single-server (or datacenter-local) setups, especially considering the difference of magnitude of the network latencies involved.

Specifically, we decided to not implement a global coordination layer, splitting services between stateless components, that can be replicated in order to obtain redundancy and high availability, and stateful ones where we instead adopt a partitioning strategy in order to scale horizontally and limit the consequences of an outage. These two are combined with very simple, mainly client-side, load balancing algorithms (round-robin DNS).

At a technical level, the technological evolution of the infrastructure over time has led to a two-layer solution: a public-facing frontend, or reverse proxy, receiving end-users traffic, and an internally routed destination, which owns the user data. The communication between these two layers is routed through a VPN. The user data is spread over several servers (every server only contains a different data “slice”) in order to scale beyond the capacity of a single machine, and so that any possible problem can only affect a smaller portion of users. In this type of architecture, the public-facing machines do not contain any important data, and are easily replaceable.

As of the year 2022 this infrastructure still effectively satifies the original requirements we had set for our systems:

The original Orangebook contains further details about the original implementation and the specific technical choices we made at the time. Architectures of this type are much more common nowadays and don’t require too much of an introduction.

The requirements we just described (dating from 2005) are still largely valid, as well as the basic service structure of our architecture. Recently though, we did introduce some drastic changes in the way we manage our infrastructure. Starting in 2017 and up to its first complete deployment in 2019 we redesigned and refactored the whole technological implementation of the A/I infrastructure, condensating several years of experience in the effort of finding a better solution to our present day’s challenges.

Let’s see why and how.

1.1.2 The technical state of A/I at the beginning of 2017

As it happens to most projects with a long lifespan and contributions from several people, A/I’s technical infrastructure ended up accumulating over time several layers of historical “junk”: often the result of substandard and ad-hoc implementations. If the original high-level design from 2005 - the so-called R Plan which introduced anonymous, de-localized and partitioned services - served us well, its technical implementation started to present the typical symptoms of technical debt. Over time, these symptoms can cast a shadow over the overall quality of the system. There are many contributing factors to the development of these symptoms:

In 2017 the situation escalated to a critical level: we detected an intrusion in our systems, due to the compromised credentials of an administrator. The forensic analysis showed that the previously mentioned imperfect or incomplete implementations played a clear role into slipping the unauthorized actors in our system.

An event of this importance forcibly presented us with an existential question: even having solved all the single problems that allowed the intrusion to take place, was the collective self-confident enough about having all the necessary skills to prevent (not only fix) similar events in the future? It is implicitly clear that the problem is endemic and due to flaws that have not been addressed and solved mainly because of the previously described technical debt.

This document is the description of the solutions we have come up with, once we decided that it was worth to keep investing our energies in the project, in order to both mitigate the previously mentioned problems, and to try to avoid this type of incident in the future.

2 Organizational principles

When we gathered to begin considering collectively what to do, we tried to imagine the desired final situation, and at the same time the possible paths to get there. Our reasoning has been based on general principles that are useful to be presented here.

2.1 Human and relational aspects

How to structure a project so that it can survive the test of time? The human factor is a critical aspect in an organization exclusively composed of volunteers. We strive to model the technical aspects of the infrastructure on the humans that are going to deal with them.

The A/I organization is not only composed of technical staff with IT skills, such as programmers or system administrators. We have people that continuously have to follow up with the legal, financial, communicational and political issues, in addition to the super boring bureaucracy aspects of the project. This is particularly important since we need a robust organizational structure in place when our actions, and those of who benefit from our services and the hosted content, are under threat. Members of the collective who write new code, review upstream code, design the services and study the security of the infrastructure, are only a subset of the whole team. In addition to them there are some of us who take the first line of support, and by necessity are forced to have more of a generalist approach. To develop a resilient communication project with some solid antagonist principles we have to focus on the human factor.

Hence we prioritized our volunteers’ time and dedication to the project, trying to follow the following principles when designing the infrastructure:

2.2 Technical aspects

The requirements listed above fundamentally determined the technical choices we made:

These requirements pushed us towards the choice of versioning code using git, distributing configurations using a push model with Ansible, and achieving service isolation using containers (instead of e.g. virtual machines).

We are aware of the fact that many of these choices are common to the world of professional Information Technology: more than being a sign of ideological support from us, this similarity is to be considered as a manifestation of a convergence of pragmatical interests. Reducing the gap between internal collective practices and the “professional” ones, when necessary, also increases the chances for people to develop skills outside of the collective itself.

3 Redefining infrastructure

3.1 The technological substrate

What we described in the previous section determined the technical choices we made. Having to conceive something that could last over time, we decided to focus our efforts on building an infrastructure that was easy to understand in its functionality.

Therefore we tried to define a high-level service abstraction that would solve our specific problems using an infrastructure of common functionalities, following these principles:

Assuming that the right choices regarding the definition of the interfaces and the control surfaces are made (not an easy task!), such a model allows us to minimize long term maintenance to what is strictly needed, focusing primarily on the software updates required to keep the infrastructure up to date.

Any software related context involves a non trivial amount of work related to security updates and bug fixes. Isolating the services allows us to spread this activity over a longer stretch of time, and to let us proceed at our own pace: even upgrading the current stable Debian release becomes manageable without too much effort.

3.2 Choosing a “level of service”

Before taking any further technical decisions it is important to clarify what is our desired level of service. Even in the case of a volunteer-driven project like ours, where the end users clearly know that they are not offered a service with the same uptime guarantee as common commercial services, it is still important to give ourselves some expectations, in order to understand what kind and how much effort is necessary.

Let’s take our mail services as an example. Since we are talking about communication, and email is still very important in people’s online life, the required level of service is quite high, regardless of what we tell users or ourselves. Another way of formulating this concept is saying that there’s not a lot of practical value in an email service that does not meet high reliability standards.

Therefore our objective here is to deliver the maximum possible level of availability for this service. Specifically, we are interested in a distributed service with a sufficient level of replication, resilient to single server failures (the most common operational problem we face), at least when it comes to the basic functionalities, like reading and sending mails. At the same time, if we take a closer look, some of the mail service components don’t really require a high level of reliability: the main functionality of this service will anyway be delivered, even if in a degraded state. This means that for services like mail systems we can accept that some other secondary components could fail.

In general, by examining the features of all the services we offer, we have adopted two distinct architecture models, corresponding to two different levels of service criticality and quality:

3.3 Towards an ideal service model

Considering the subset of criteria we outlined, and examining the service structure we offer and how they evolved during the last twenty years, we have an idea of what kind of abstractions we need:

Describing services in this manner allows us to have a completely hardware-independent representation, so that the hardware can be treated purely as a commodity, merely to be considered in a quantitive manner. This perspective aligns really well with our model of hardware management, based on renting or leasing servers from commercial providers, a strategy inherited from the first R* plan.

4 Implementation

4.1 Distributed operating system

The choice of adopting a “distributed services” model stems naturally from the need of defining how to associate functionalities between services: some services are so common and general, and at the same time so tightly connected to the very opportunity of managing distributed services, that we could define them as a sort of distributed operating system.

Another way to look at it is to consider which functionalities could be useful from the point of view of who is trying to implement a service. For instance: my service probably generates logs and I want them to be managed and made visible in some way, without having to specify how to achieve this result separately for each and every service. Another example: my service has to communicate with other internal services and I want to be able to allow this communication to happen in a secure manner without having to define secure communication mechanisms for each pair of intercommunicating services.

These examples describe horizontal functionalities, potentially common to all services. Seeing them as a whole, these constitute the interface of our “distributed operating system”. We will simply call it infrastructure in every case the context won’t make this term ambiguous.

The complete list of these horizontal functionalities includes:

4.2 Building a bridge between Configuration Management and Container Orchestration

Combining the desire to keep every service compartmentalized and the necessity of describing them systematically altogether made us steer in the direction of modern container orchestration solutions. At the time we started considering this decision, container orchestration had started becoming popular thanks to the Kubernetes project.

We immediately noticed a problem: the technical skills of the collective members were mainly focused on conventional system administration contexts. Further on we knew by experience that a shift in the technological paradigm could be extremely traumatic for a volunteer organization like ours, possibly contributing to exacerbate the internal gap among members in terms of competence level, time availability, learning possibilities, personal empowerment and satisfaction.

Hence we decided to start building a collective learning roadmap to help people move along the transition from the old paradigms to the new ones. This collective path was bound to adopt an incremental approach, introducing some fundamental concepts about container orchestration and distributed operative systems in the context of the more familiar one, that is, configuration management.

Since there was no existing product satisfying our requirements at that time, and in particular nothing that could give us the chance to moderate the steepness of the learning curve, we decided to write a tool of our own. This was a painful but unavoidable choice and the result is float.

Float is, in a few words, a (simple) service orchestration system built around Ansible, a rather popular and traditional configuration management tool.

There are a few comments to make about Ansible. To begin with we chose it mainly because of its triviality: without considering its various idiosyncrasies, it is basically a simple sequential tasks executor, not so very different from a shell script. This makes it very similar to our previous configuration management, to the point that rewriting the majority of our roles has shown to be a quite simple task. The other important Ansible peculiarity is that it follows a push pattern, where the changes are applied from the computer of the administrator connecting to the different hosts. This is the exact opposite of the pull pattern we had used until then, and was explicitly chosen as a form of adaptation to the new threat model in regard to the risk of security breaches.

We explicitly chose to consider float as a purely generic tool, usable without having to fully understand its implementation, as with any other open-source tool. A lot of time was then invested in keeping it minimal as well as in writing a clear documentation, producing tutorials and step by step guides, and whatever else was necessary to improve the internal learning process related to this tool.

4.2.1 Float

The objective of float is to implement a “distributed operating system” such as the one we described above: float takes control over the bare metal hardware and transforms it in a service hosting infrastructure. While developing float the fundamental principle has been doing as little as possible to implement it as simple as possible: this in order to both reduce development time and to improve clarity in the final result. This explains why float could be best described as a “rough but efficient” tool.

Float combines a high level definition of the services with the opportunity of using Ansible to manage their configuration. In particular, float is very tolerant in its “service” definition, and allows us to include containers and normal systemd units (in this case presumably previously installed by Ansible). This flexibility has proved fundamental to migrate our existing services and to gradually transform them into containers.

Another important feature of float, possibly the one that makes it, all things considered, quite a simple tool, is the fact that it operates as an offline scheduler. Contrary to other more complex solutions, float doesn’t have (!) an online component moving for example services from one host to another because of a hardware problem.

This might appear as a huge limitation, but it actually doesn’t preclude the delivery of high availability services: we simply transitioned the responsibility of this task and delegated it to the service itself. Float can’t do much for a single instance service on a single host, but when having multiple instances (by definition distributed on different hosts) the service remains operational even when a single instance is failing. We also prefer to be informed, rather than not, about a single instance failure.

The offline scheduler is also uncapable of applying other popular container ochestration patterns such as autoscaling, i.e. the dynamical change in the amount of running replicas of a service, following the same pace of the the service utilization. These are not so important features for us since our traffic patterns are very predictable.

Specifically, float is configured using a YAML file, traditionally called services.yml, containing the high level description of the service. The description of each service, in addition to the name that uniquely distinguish it, specifies which containers have to be configured, which ports have to be exposed, and other metadata related to the infrastructure service. An example:

  num_instances: 3
    - name: http
        APACHE_PORT: 8080
        - /var/lib/archive: /data
      port: 8080
    name: archive
    port: 8080

This YAML snippet describes an hypothetical archive service, based on the container images, configured to listen on port 8080 through the environment variable APACHE_PORT (assuming this is how this image accepts its configuration). The (server) directory /var/lib/archive will appear as /data inside the container (again assuming that is the path where the image expects to find its data).

The directive tells float to run 3 different instances of this service, that will be consequently distributed on three different servers. Other services will be able to connect to these instances, internally, resolving the service name (“archive”) through DNS.

Further on, by defining a public_endpoint, we are requesting float to expose this service publicly through HTTPS (as a website named also archive), so float will take care of generating the valid SSL certificates, the different reverse proxy HTTP configurations and so on.

It is also possible to combine an Ansible role, when necessary, in order to perform tasks not covered in the possibilities offered by the metadata. Let’s suppose our hypothetical service needs a specific file, we will consequently have an Ansible role archive with the following tasks:

- name: Create archive data directory
    path: /var/lib/archive
    state: directory
    owner: docker-archive
- name: Create archive index page
    dest: /var/lib/archive/index.html
    content: "hello world"

To illustrate how the tool is indifferent to the traditional container / service dualism, let’s consider an alternative implementation of this hypothetical service. Instead of using a container, it will use a Debian package (a equally hypothetical “archive-server” package) with an associated systemd unit. The description would then become like this:

  num_instances: 3
    - archive-server
    name: archive
    port: 8080

And the Ansible role (assuming, just for the sake of making an example, that the software in the Debian package needs a configuration file):

- name: Install archive-server package
    name: archive-server
    state: present
- name: Configure archive-server
    src: archive-server.conf.j2
    dest: /etc/archive-server.conf
- name: Start and enable the archive-server systemd unit
    name: archive-server.service
    state: started
    enabled: yes

Regardless of the differences in the implementation, this service is, from the point of view of float, identical to the one defined by the configuration we previously illustrated.

To sum it all up, float offers:

Additionally float includes a serie of “infrastructural” services, collectively representing the previously mentioned distributed operating system: these are implemented using the same terms used in these last examples (they are “float services”, configured using a YAML description and Ansible roles).

The last bit of the float configuration is the inventory (using the Ansible terminology), or rather simply a list of the servers that can be used as an input for the service assignment.

4.3 On the opportunity of writing things versus using existing code

This vision of the system architecture is not particularly original, but is well aligned with a series of best practices and cultural changes happening right now in the IT industry: this is not because we are keen on following the newest trends, it is more because adopting already widespread solutions is a form of warranty about long-term mantainance goals (even if one can never be so sure about the far or near future in technology).

However our situation is quite peculiar, especially since we want to be an autonomous and independent organization, using free software exclusively. We soon noticed how some of the bits and pieces necessary to implement our infrastructure vision didn’t yet exist as such. Either that or they did not exist in a form useful to fix our specific problems.

We tried then to strip the problem down to the bare minimum requirements, trying to reduce as much as possible the amount of “missing bits”, but still it was necessary to take a difficult decision: was it better to try to adapt an existing but imperfect solution, accepting the compromises it required, or was it better to write a new software from scratch, obtaining exactly the needed functionalities?

Unfortunately writing software is quite easy, while maintaining a software that has to keep working for many years is a much more complex and problematic task, and a responsibility towards our future selves (or future users). This is not a decision that can be taken lightly.

On the other hand, adopting existing software can sometimes represent an even bigger task: not only one has to maintain the integration code necessary to make it function in an environment the software itself is not designed to function in, but also the cognitive load over time has to be considered, a derivative of all the “special cases” not matching our architecture design. On the long run, the effect of this cognitive friction is to increase the system complexity and to decrease the amount of people able to maintain and modify it.

Hence we have chosen, in some cases, to write the necessary software from scratch, thinking that this would be a sustainable choice as long as we respected two preconditions:

These principles have driven the implementation of all the custom software components that are mentioned in this document.

4.4 Source Control and Continuous Integration

A modern infrastucture-as-code system manages a conspicuous amount of information, authentications, configurations and software. Historically we always needed some personalized Debian packages, but after the introduction of containers the amount of this kind of artifacts has been significantly increasing.

A system to automatically generate and manage these instructions and the related variations became necessary: luckily there are several available nowadays, since Github made them popular. We chose Gitlab, since it offers a “groups” model that makes it possible to manage a great number of different projects. However it would have been OK to choose any other existing software offering a continuous integration system (the possibility to execute scripts at every code commit).

We make use of these functionalities for a wide array of requirements, like regenerating the container images every time the associated git repository is changed, executing tests to verify code compliance, generating Debian packages to be distributed on our infrastructure and so on. Other components of Gitlab also play a key role in our infrastructure: for example the container registry, used to distribute the container images to the hosts.

Gitlab is at the moment a central component in our infrastructure: even if it is possible to generate all the container images manually, that would definitely not be very practical since we are talking about a quite considerable amount of images. Also to cut down the number of cross dependencies, Gitlab is managed separately from the rest of the infrastructure, so that we can consider it a “third party” service.
One of the least pleasurable consequences of Gitlab being so important to us is the fact that we have chosen not to make Gitlab available as a service to the end users, in order to mitigate the security risks involved. Unfortunately this decision de facto excludes end users from contributing to our infrastructure source code.

4.5 The structure of our software

It is now useful to discuss the structure, organization and origin of the software we deploy in production.

The importance of having a precise idea about where to get software, to have a proper policy about which sources to use, originates from two observations: first of all, it is useful in order to understand who are we allowing to run code on our infrastructure. Historically this role has been delegated to the Linux distributions, since they are maintaining, for good or bad, a defined quality and security level. In a public context where is very common to recompile the base containers from source this problem has become once again critical.

We appreciate a trust model offered by projects like Debian. Debian historically has always made us feel comfortable: the rate of updates, imposed by the release frequency allows us to keep ourself at pace with the newest changes, while we trust their developers and their infrastructure. To put it better, even if we are aware of the limited trust we have in distributions, we think is a reasonable compromise between security and usability.

However since this model of trust is difficult to apply to an ever-increasing-number of sources, we tried to keep their number strictly limited.

Another critical aspect is the need to be logistically prepared to manage these (probably multiple) sources in an organized manner: it is not so practical, for example, to have N different ways to import external code into our infrastructure, especially since powerful tools like Continuous Integration allow us to have a much better structured approach.

There are only two types of artifacts we are interested in producing, depending on the specific context in which every software operates:

4.5.1 Common rules for artifact generation

Since we have to fabricate a very limited number of artifacts, it makes sense to implement some shared rules about the way they have to be generated, through a standardized build process. Luckily Gitlab CI supports the possibility to include external scripts in the CI configuration. Consequently we created two different projects including rules to produce shared artifacts:

Centralizing the CI rules allows us to manage possibly complicated steps, like the release of a new version of Debian, in a gradual and systematical fashion.

4.5.2 Dependencies management

An extremely important subject for us is build reproducibility: we want to be able to, when starting from the same code, to produce the same artifact. At any time, and independently from external systems. This is fundamental in order to be able to determine the update schedule, and consequently when and what to change, as opposed to being dependent on the rhythm imposed by the various software releases. Patching our systems following the typical patterns inherited from Debian-like distributions, where conventionally the packages are self-updating internally in the context of a major release can pose several difficulties: consequently we have decided that all packages of the same Debian major release are kept at the same “version”. In other words, we consider having a dependency from buster or bullseye only, instead of from version X of a specific package to another version. This is acceptable since Debian has become quite good at not breaking software when releasing security updates.

In order to fill in the gap between the primary source and the final artifact we do have to manage the challenge represented by the upstream updates, a potentially infinite source of work. To minimize the possible impact of this problem we had to imagine some procedure that could be as automatic as possible, supporting the patching of software generally classifiable in four possible categories:

Nowadays though there is a wide array of available automated tools that analyze the structure of different software projects dependencies and integrate them with the various source control systems like Gitlab. These tools make it possible to manage a considerable amount of both internal and external dependencies semi-automatically with a small effort, and make it practical to apply the “controlled version” model of explicit dependencies management. The advantage of this approach lays not only in the reproducibility of every build, but also in the explicit control of all the changes.

Specifically we use these tools:

4.6 Secrets, meta-configuration and environments

The desire of easy “test environments” creation, so that is possible to experiment both privately or in groups, leads to some very significant consequences that we think are worth examining.

First of all let’s ask ourselves: what is a test environment? It is a version of the A/I services themselves (or a subset of them, if convenient), running on a group of machines that is separated from the production ones – generally virtual machines created on the fly for the occasion. This test environment is different from production one basically because, in addition to using different hosts, it uses some different secrets and a different configuration. And you can run it locally if you want to.

The secrets in this case are objects like passwords or cryptographic keys, and the need for quick and easy test environments forced us to turn all of them into parameters: our service configuration does not contain any secret, but only variables referring to them, and the instruction needed in order to generate them.

Similarly, the service configuration exposes other high level parameters relating to the identity and other specific objects: for example, our mail configuration describes how to build a mail service “like ours”, but in the production configuration there is a specific parameter specifying that “this mail service name is called”.

To run all this we need four necessary components to define a specific setup (that we will call environment from now on):

In practice the “live” version of “” services is a combination of the generic configuration, the specific hosts (at least those with an IP connected to a “” DNS record), and a subset of cryptographic credentials and variables (things like “use as a domain name”). By varying these parameters it is therefore possible to create other installations, resembling the one in production.

This variety is reflected in our repository structure:

4.7 A pragmatic approach to containers

Having decided to deliver services using containers, we had to develop guidelines on how these should be built. We therefore focused on standardizing methodologies and approaches so that all our containers work pretty much in the same way.

The most widespread view today about how to structure a service in one or more containers follows the pattern “one container == one process”. We look at it differently: for us it is better if a container represents a high-level aggregation (although maybe not exactly a float service), with a precise and complete interface to and from the rest of the world.

We don’t see anything intrinsecally bad in having multiple processes (let’ say, multiple daemons) in a single container if these are tightly interconnected with the service itself, and are for this reason meant to share it.

Some practical examples can better clarify the issue:

Having multiple processes inside the same container requires an init daemon inside the container. The init daemon will manage the process’ lifecycle: what to do when a process dies, perhaps due to an error? The following considerations are related to the specific implementation of float.

Due to the fact that the automation “control surface” is at the systemd unit level (for example to alert about services failures, etc) it is convenient for us that service related fatal errors emerge at this level: the container must terminate when there is a fatal problem with one of its main processes.

Beside the main processes there is a class of non-main processes: for example a mistake in a Prometheus exporter is not particularly interesting and the process can be restarted inside the container itself, without disturbing the main process.

A final requirement is the ability to run a script before the main processes are started: this is how we normally manage things like database updates etc.

Right now, the list of init daemons with the above features is unfortunately short:

4.7.1 Image relationships

To reduce the resources necessary to deploy and operate these containers, it is convenient to organize services in a sequence of images gradually more and more specialized, in accordance with their generality. For example, Apache-based services have the following image hierarchy:

Partial hierarchy of container images from our Apache-based services

Specifically, we currently have the following images available, all based on a minimal version of Debian stable (debian:stable-slim):

Such modularity warrants common implementation on similar services. It also implies having a single location where to change the Apache configuration for all of our services using Apache (thus preventing us from ever “forgetting” to update any of them). Lastly, since container images are layered, using this image hierarchy drastically reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred to each server. This is very important for example during testing.

4.7.2 Configuration

For many services, the necessary configuration can be passed via the environment specified in services.yml: in this case the service within the image is configured to read its configuration from the environment.

However, some services require a more complex configuration pattern from the one that can be specified in the environment: in these cases the configuration will be created in Ansible, in a dedicated directory under /etc, which will then be mounted in the container at runtime (by adding the directory to the service mountpoints in services.yml).

Often it pays off to slightly tweak the application (or use a startup script to prepare the configuration) so that you can use a single directory for all the necessary data. This can be done in order to simplify the interaction between Ansible and the container. An example of the strategy for a PHP application with a complex configuration is in roundcube. In this case we place symlinks inside the image to a directory /etc/roundcube which does not exist in the image, but will be mounted at runtime.

4.7.3 Users and permissions

Normally float creates a dedicated user and group for each service and runs the containers with that user within the container. Since at image build-time the user is not known it must be passed at runtime. Due to this fact you have to be careful while building Docker images that can be run as any user. In practice this means:

Using reserved ports (< 1024) is not a problem since we can enable capabilities like CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE at runtime.

Actually this system offers an additional level of service permission isolation. For example the system ensures that a service can not write its own configuration or even write inside the container image itself. Further on, it does not depend on having a read-only container image to work (however the root mountpoint is always automatically read-only under the hood).

Looking back, we had to do a fair amount of work to ensure that all our containers could run as an arbitrary user within the container. An alternative could have been to define a standard user, for example UID 1000 (so that we would not need to have an extra metadata field in the service description), then configure containers to use that within the container with the USER directive. Finally, tell float to map the internal UID with the external user.

4.7.4 Ports

The network layout in our infrastructure is deliberately simple: instead of adopting a complex strategy of isolated containers at the network level as it is done within advanced container orchestration solutions, like Kubernetes, we have decided to adopt a model closer to traditional system administration. In this model the containers share the network namespace with the host, as a consequence they respectively have to bind to different ports. We then rely on the system firewall to make sure these ports are reachable only through the internal VPN and not from the outside.

Among the consequences of this choice there is also the fact that it is not possible to allocate more than one instance of the same service to a host (it would lead to a port conflict). Another consequence has to do with how the container expects to run: Docker images normally advertise and expose the ports of services which they implement. The ports are then remapped at need at runtime. With our approach, however, we expect the container to bind to a port that we can specify at runtime through an environment variable, so that for Docker the port mapping is always 1:1.

To do this, the image should not map a specific hard-coded port for the service, but use an environment variable (preferably, since using the environment is easier to integrate in the service configuration) or another configuration mechanism. This makes some pre-packaged container images not directly usable on our infrastructure (not a problem, since we try not to use any anyway), and has required some precautions.

A couple of different examples:

<VirtualHost *:${APACHE_PORT}>

4.8 Internal communication and RPC

An architecture like the one we describe in this document involves a large amount of internal communication between services, in the form of RPC (remote procedure call). This traffic is different from the data stream directly generated by users with specific protocols such as HTTP for external requests or SMTP and IMAP for email.

There are many possibilities on how to deal with this technical problem, which is why we decided to standardize internal RPC calls in a unique solution. As far as the software written by us is concerned, the standardization has not been a problem since we can choose the implementation protocol.

While we’re aware of more advanced possibilities like GRPC, we have instead decided to choose a simple and trivial protocol: HTTP requests and responses with a JSON payload. This is not a particularly clever nor performant protocol, however the level of internal traffic is relatively low. We have preferred a solution that was simple, easily understood and diagnosed with tools that everyone knows.

For this reason we have written two libraries, in Go and in Python, the two languages we currently use to write software. These libraries implement the minimum of functionality that we think is necessary for an effective RPC layer in this context:

All these characteristics together, albeit very simple, allow a service to successfully communicate with another one even in case of broken or unreachable instances. In these cases you will notice an increase in latency by a fraction of the requests. By suitably choosing the timeouts you can decide to what extent this represents an inconvenience to the final user. It is a system that can be certainly improved in many ways: adding circuit breakers would solve the latency problem in presence of errors, for example. While better load balancing algorithms might take into account the server load, and performing preferential fallback for local backends could significantly reduce average latencies. However, the adoption of above mentioned principles gives us a sufficiently good service quality. In other words these characteristics alone are capable of taking effective advantage of the replicated elements of our architecture.

In any case, isolating RPC functionality into libraries allows us to switch to a different technology with the least possible effort, should we decide so in the future.

5 Data and service structure

5.1 Users database

As the name implies the users database contains all data relating to user accounts on the services that we offer. This is a rather vague definition however, and can be clarified by noting that there are two main data types:

Resources and accounts are organized hierarchically and in most cases a given account “owns” resources in an exclusive fashion. There are however also “primary” resources, such as mailing lists, that do not necessarily have an exclusive owner. In this case we keep track of the association only where it exists, to be able to show “your mailing lists” in the user panel, and at the same time allowing mailing list management by external addresses.

The users database currently contains the following resource types:

Some resources (DAV, MySQL) may themselves contain additional service-specific authentication data.

The relationship between DAV accounts and websites is unfortunately not hierarchical, because of historical reasons. We were not exactly sure how to arrange this relationship: one-to-one (one site per DAV account and vice versa), one-to-many (multiple websites for a DAV account), or many-to-many (free association of DAV accounts, for example limited to specific subdirectories, and websites). Historically we have been in the latter scenario, and unfortunately we don’t have another object in the hierarchy in order to be able to group things correctly. As a result, the grouping is done at rendering time, in the user panel, based on the resources path.

A data model like this, especially when implemented on top of a non-relational database, requires the manual maintenance of many non-variables, for example:

Luckily all services use this database in read-only mode so this is not here we have to focus our maintenance efforts. This complexity is contained and isolated in a single administration component (accountserver), offering a well defined API, and that’s the only service allowed to create and modify database objects. The opportunity to contain all the historical complexity and the non obvious and probably sub-optimal consequences of decisions taken in the past (like LDAP and the specific scheme we used) in one single software has been the starting point for the process of system renovation.

5.2 Data and partitioned services

The majority of our services adopts a scaling strategy based on partitioning (or sharding): as soon as we have more than one server, all data from each account is associated to only one server. This is an alternative to replication, where the data of every account is copied on multiple servers.

The fundamental difference between the two approaches, at least considering the aspects that we consider most interesting, lays in their operational behaviour when facing a server failure: replication allows to continue delivering the services, while in the case of partitioning all users whose data lays on the failing server will loose access. Since replication is obviously offering superior quality, why not choosing it? For several reasons:

Later on very reliable distributed storage systems emerged, bypassing all problems by giving up the POSIX compatibility: these systems are not leveraging access to a “remotely mounted filesystem”, but are instead especially designed to use high level APIs.
Unfortunately this is not a possible option for our services: both for e-mails and for websites we are using software written by third parties (Dovecot, Apache) that cannot use these APIs, strictly requiring a “real” filesystem in order to work.

The way partitioned systems react in case of problems is quite peculiar (this is true for all distributed systems) and demands uncommon cognitive flexibility, both for the administrators and the end users. We lost a binary concept of operability (“service is running” or “service is down”), and the user experience presents itself differently: when a problem occurs, it’s quite common that the service is perfectly functional for some users, while not at all for some other users. Therefore it becomes necessary to modify the monitoring and diagnostic tools so that they give answers in quantitative terms, i.e. no more “up” / “down” responses but “a certain X percentage of users is experiencing problems”. This obviously implies a heavier cognitive load in order to be able to do troubleshooting, a problem though that can be mitigated with well chosen analytical tools: in our case we invested a good amount of time in the monitoring system functionalities.

5.3 LDAP implementation

Because of historical reasons our user database is based on LDAP. This would not probably be the choice we’d make if we started from scratch tomorrow: LDAP is an archaic and idiosyncratic technology that requires specialist skills, and many of the reasons that made us choose it in 2005 are not valid today:

At the time, LDAP offered some important advantages:

Regardless, there are also some negative sides:

With time we gradually isolated direct access to LDAP database more and more, while also implementing the adequate ACL, reaching the actual state:

In service architecture terms, we rely on LDAP replication whenever it’s necessary to run a larger amount of queries: specifically we replicate LDAP on the frontends and the mail servers. The replication cost is pretty low (data rarely changes), and the database is small enough. In particular, it is small enough to fit in memory: the replicas serve the database from tmpfs, downloading a new copy (in less than 30 seconds) at every reboot.

6 Authentication and identity

Email addresses still play the role of primary identity for a physical person on the Internet, and considering our role as email providers, we felt the need to update our infrastructure in order to better protect these identities.

In particular there are two features we were especially interested in, so that we could get relatively closer to the state of the art for this kind of implementations:

Naturally, since we had pre-existing users, it was necessary to maintain the familiar username and password workflow along the new one.

Finally a modern identity management system has to be slightly resilient to brute-forcing and other very widespread automated abuse attempt mechanisms.

In this scenario, the credential validation logic becomes quite complicated (just consider those necessary criteria like “allow a single password login only when no other service specific passwords are defined”), so it makes sense to manage it in an single place instead of spreading it between different applications. This and other concerns lead us towards the implementation of an autonomous and centralized authentication service which the other services delegate the user authentication to.

Also in this case the open source authentication systems that were available at the time did not feature the functionalities we needed, so we were forced to write some new software. This panorama is changing and constantly improving since many of these practices are becoming quite common, for this reason also this, like other parts of our infrastructure, will possibly be replaced with stock components in the future.

Let’s then examine the various users authentication processes in detail, explaining the solutions we implemented one by one.

6.1 Authentication server

At the lowest authentication stack level lays the main authentication server, or auth-server. The only aim of this service is to authenticate end users, using their data saved into the user database. Authenticating an end user or not is a decision based on the presented credentials (password, 2FA), and possibly other contextual information (like the IP address).

We are presenting it as a centralized service, but it is actually a service implemented using multiple instances of the auth-server, in order to avoid creating a single point of failure.

The authentication server is exposing a very simple text protocol, accepting though all the additional necessary information (beyond username and password) in order to complete the two-factor authentication. Unfortunately (again) we did not find an existing protocol supporting our needs while allowing a low cost implementation (we concluded that setting up a RADIUS server correctly was out of our reach).

There are two different types of client:

In order to integrate the authentication service with this second category of clients it has been necessary to write some integration “glue” that took the shape of a PAM module, the UNIX standard for service authentication. It has to be said that the existence of this PAM modules, written in C by necessity, is the main reason behind the choice of a custom protocol: it is much easier to use C to implement a line-oriented text based protocol than an HTTP/JSON client. As with many other choices, if we ever change our mind it won’t be difficult to migrate away from this implementation to another one, thanks to service compartmentalization.

We wrote the authentication service trying to keep it as generic as possible (it does support SQL backends as well), and one of the interesting features it offers is multiple user database support. We use this feature to isolate completely the administrative users (the A/I admins) from the “normal” end users: while the latter are stored on the LDAP database, the administrative users are stored on a static file, distributed using configuration management. This allows us to still be able to use the administrative tools using web services, even if the LDAP database is having issues.

6.2 Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On is a relatively unprecise term that nowadays is often associated to a spectrum of technologies spanning from identity federation to data access delegation. We are most interested into unified identity control used by separated applications, delivered by a single organization. The domain is well defined: the end users are users, and the applications are those offered by Specifically we are interested into the web applications: there is virtually no SSO support in clients used for other protocols, while web is sufficiently flexible in its structure to allow the implementation of arbitrary authentication workflows.

The need for this type of technology originates from two different but convergent requirements:

We expect the following features from a modern Single Sign-On web based service:

The aspect that makes a similar implementation “web centric”, as opposed to similar low level systems like Kerberos, is namely the focus on the browser as a primary client: basically the possibility to transfer the previously mentioned tokens at the same time with the HTTP requests (by using cookies, for example) and to control the progression of the interactive workflow by using HTTP redirects.

Open source solutions offering these functionalities do exist today, but when we made our decision Single Sign-On still was an enterprise feature, almost exclusively used by professionals, so we had limited and barely functional options. After giving it a good and long thought, we decided to write a minimal but functional SSO implementation ourselves.

The result is ai/sso, that implements all the necessary features in a very simple manner, with a few stateless components, easy to be integrated in our infrastructure.

After many years we can say that at a general level this strategy has proven right: we are only recently starting to see open alternatives compatible with our requirements, and as for many other solutions presented in this document, our modular architecture would allow us to seamless replace ai/sso with another implementation (OAuth/OIDC, SAML, etc) with a limited effort.

Anyway it is important to keep in mind that cookies based SSO systems, even considering the multiple advantages, show some limitations as well:

Finally we need to consider that even if the primary client of the Single Sign-On is the browser, there are some cases in which we want that other non HTTP based services support SSO. In our particular subset of services, we also have to consider the case in which a web service is internally making a call to a “non-web” service: the main example is the webmail, where the web application has to talk to the mail service by using IMAP protocol. In the Single Sign-On context though, the web application doesn’t know an user’s password: hence it’s necessary that the IMAP server accepts and verifies signed tokens instead of passwords.

6.3 Cryptography

Another aspect that we absolutely wanted to implement was the possibility to encrypt the mailbox content of every account so that every end user with her password could read its content while preventing anyone else including A/I administrator from accessing the data. This is an important feature from a legal standpoint, also considering the various terabytes of mailbox data we have been given trust about.

One possible way to obtain this result is to use a cryptographic key derived from the password. Unfortunately this simple mechanism presents some problems whenever there are more than one password, or even when one simply wants to change password. What can be done then is to create a long-term validity cryptographic key, used to encrypt the user data, and use the password derived key to save an encrypted copy of it in the database. Multiple copies of the key will for this reason exist, each of them encrypted with a different password; while at moment of the password change it is only possible to save one single new copy of the key (encrypted with the new password) without having to modify the data in any way.

What happens though when a web application uses SSO? In this case the application does not have access to the password, and still we need it to have access to the cryptographic key. There are several solutions that can be applied here, but we chose to go forward in this way:

In this way (and setting the time to live of the cache to the same duration of the SSO ticket validity) we avoid the chance of having clear text keys in memory for longer than the effective utilization time by the application. Regardless, the application has to keep a copy of the unencrypted key in memory in order to be able to decrypt the user data and this represent a (small) security threat.

6.4 Authentication mechanisms

As you can probably imagine from what we described so far, our authentication system is designed to be able to support different user authentication methods.

These mechanisms are directly supported by the central SSO authentication service, but they are not sufficient to cover all the requirements for all the services we offer, especially not when taking non-HTTP services in consideration. For these services, the adopted best practice is to be able to associate secondary passwords to one account (application-specific passwords), as long as each one remains valid for only one service at a time. This limitation makes it impossible, in case of leak, to achieve complete control over the account.

In addition it’s the authentication server responsibility, for example, to inhibit authentication to the mail service by using the primary password when application-specific passwords are present and so on. There are more similar rules that enhance the user experience when it comes to authenticating.

6.5 Workflow in detail

6.5.1 SSO

Single Sign-On Authentication flow

Let’s follow an HTTP request in detail, as it is made by a user to a Single Sign-On protected service:

  1. the user visits https://service1/
  2. the server service1 determines that the request does not contain any cookie with a valid SSO token, therefore returns a redirect to the login service, adding both the name of the service itself (service1) and the originally requested URL as parameters
  3. the login service detects that the user does not have a valid session cookie, therefore shows an authentication form
  4. the users authenticates using username, password and possibly a second factor
  5. the login service delegates the authentication verification to the centralized auth server auth-server (that sends a request to the users database)
  6. if the authentication is successful, the login service calls keystore in order to decrypt the specific user encryption key and keep it in its memory cache
  7. the login service sets its own session cookie, so that there won’t be a second authentication request, generates a valid SSO token for service1, passing a specific URL (/sso_login) with the new SSO token and the original requested URL
  8. the service1 service receives the SSO token in the URL, stores it in a cookie, and redirects the user to the initial URL (always on service1)
  9. service1 now sees a valid SSO token in the cookie, and serves the request normally.

If the user, in the course of the same session, decides to visit the service2 service, the steps are simpler since the login service recognizes its own session cookie and can for this reason skip the authentication phase, directly generating a new SSO token and continuing to the redirect. From the user point of view the whole process appears as a serie of redirects being for this reason “invisible”. The same applies if the user returns to service1 after the SSO token expires: how frequently the user is asked to re-authenticate is exclusively dependent on the validity of the login service session cookie duration.

6.5.2 Non-HTTP services

Dovecot authentication workflow

The case of a non web service is much more simple because in this case there is no second authentication factor, or a client capable to maintain a state as the browser does with cookies. If the user has 2FA activated, this is the case in which application specific password are used (ASP), and from the service point of view this is a simple single factor authentication using username and password.

Let’s have a look at dovecot (the IMAP service), that is interesting since it uses the specific user cryptographic credentials:

  1. the service receives an authentication request with username and ASP
  2. using PAM, the standard UNIX service authentication mechanism (with the pam_auth_server module), Dovecot delegates the authentication verification to auth-server, that compares the received credentials with those already present in the database
  3. if the authentication is successful, Dovecot makes a call to the dovecot-keylookupd service, that reads the cryptographic key from the database and decrypts it using the received password.

6.5.3 Third party services authentication

Example of authentication transfer between Roundcube and Dovecot

A case in which the earlier described authentication workflows are mixed is for example that of a service having to authenticate with another internal service, for this reason propagating the user credentials (as much as in addition to the service level authentication between the two). For example you can consider webmail, where the web application (Roundcube) has to authenticate with the mail service impersonating the user.

  1. the user visits the webmail
  2. the webmail is a HTTP service protected using Single Sign-On, so Roundcube owns a valid SSO token for the webmail service
  3. Roundcube operates a token exchange request to the login service, presenting its own valid SSO token and requesting a valid one for the dovecot service
  4. the login service verifies that the request is included in the list of “authorized exchanges”, in other words verifies that a transaction between webmail and dovecot is allowed, and in case it is, returns a new SSO token for the original user, but valid for the dovecot service
  5. Roundcube makes an IMAP request to Dovecot, using the SSO token as a password
  6. Dovecot uses another PAM module (pam_sso) in order to verify that the SSO token is valid
  7. Dovecot calls the dovecot-keylookupd service passing the received “password”, that in fact is a SSO token
  8. an SSO token is not enough in order to decrypt the cryptographic key present on the database. But in the description of the “SSO” authentication workflow we previously looked at we have seen how in one of the steps the login service saved the decrypted key in the keystore service. Here is when it gets used: dovecot-keylookupd invokes keystore to obtain the key and return it to dovecot.

6.6 A user database API (accountserver)

As explained in a previous chapter, our user database is structured in a complicated manner, in particular it requires a quite considerable amount of validation logic external to the database itself, both to enforce the “business logic” of our services, and to maintain the huge mass of denormalized data.

The accountserver is our solution in order to provide a centralized and standalone interface to be used for changes on the user database, implementing all this logic in a sole component.

This choice of architecture is a product of our long (and slightly frustrating) experience with the previously used strategies:

The service is implemented as a RPC service. We think that this approach presents several advantages:

The RPC interface is quite extensive and includes various methods specific to account management (credential change, account recovery through secondary passwords, etc), but in general it allows the manipulation of mainly two types of objects: account (user) and resources (resource), contained in the account. The authentication parameters are associated to the account, while the resources represent specific accounts connected to the offered services, depending on their type.

Every type of resource also features different attributes. Every account has a primary identifier that is an email address - as a consequence, coherently, for the account taken into consideration at least one email type resource with that address has to exist. Other possible resources can be websites, databases, lists and so on.

Basically we transitioned from the need for a client software to know the LDAP schema to produce a valid query (including all the correct filters apt to define complex concepts like “the account is active”), to the implementation of an RPC API:

/api/user/get (username, sso_ticket)

returning, when presenting valid SSO credentials for the specific user, a JSON object with user information and all the associated resources, for example:

  "name": "",
  "lang": "it",
  "uid": 19477,
  "status": "active",
  "shard": "3",
  "has_2fa": false,
  "has_otp": false,
  "has_encryption_keys": false,
  "resources": [
      "id": ",,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
      "type": "email",
      "name": "",
      "status": "active",
      "shard": "3",
      "original_shard": "3",
      "created_at": "2002-05-07",
      "usage_bytes": 412866884,
      "email": {
        "aliases": [
        "maildir": "",
        "quota_limit": 0

The write operations are backend processes to explicit APIs, for example:

/api/user/change_password (username, sso_ticket, cur_password, new_password)
/api/resource/email/add_alias (resource_id, sso_ticket, alias)

It’s extremely easier for the application itself to operate on this type of data as opposed to needing to act on the result of LDAP queries, and this approach allows to “hide” all the horrible database implementation details behind a more elegant and maintainable API.

Since even the read-only workload is quite high on accountserver (every access on the user panel implies a request for the account data, in order to show the user a list of her resources), and since we still have a local LDAP database for every server, accountserver implements a leader/follower model. We basically execute multiple instances of accountserver, but only one of them is responsible over the write operations on the database: the other instances offer a read-only service, and possibly forward write requests to the leader instance.

Finally an application accountadmin exists, taking care of accounts management and reserved to administrators, providing the execution of various high level operations (closing / opening of accounts, moving accounts between servers, setting options and so on).

7 System observability

The ability to monitor, measure and analyze in detail the behavior of a system is essential to reduce the maintenance work required by the system itself. Specifically, maintenance is attention and time. These two resources are by far the most scarce, and therefore they should be invested with extreme attention. We have adopted a few approaches to address this problem:

These last two roles are performed, in cooperation, by the monitoring and logging services.

7.1 Monitoring

By monitoring we mean the analysis of real-time performance characteristics of the system, derived both from the observation of internal system parameters (whitebox monitoring), and of “external” behaviors (blackbox monitoring).

The goal of the monitoring system is to collect and store these metrics, and offer a mathematical language apt to manipulate them. The goal is double folded: on one hand, monitoring has to allow us to evaluate metric trends over time for planning and troubleshooting purposes. On the other hand, it allows us to define anomalous states or errors as analytical expressions (rules) over the metrics. These rules are called alerts: their definition is subtle and hence deserving further explanation.

7.1.1 Alerts

Good alerting, i.e. the process that notifies admins when something is not working, is in our experience very difficult to achieve but also extremely important.

For a volunteer project, that does not have an on-call rotation to address problems day and night, the first thing to do correctly is to explicitly define the expectations of our end users. You have to be honest and transparent and carefully communicate the level of responsiveness users can reasonably expect (which will be presumably quite low).

Part of the solution is to make it generally not necessary to intervene quickly in the first place, for example by deploying redundant services.

There is another aspect to consider: in a context where nobody gets paid to investigate and solve problems, it is very important that the monitoring system does not waste people’s time. For this reason is necessary to have alerts that are:

Failing these objectives results into a useless and/or frustrating monitoring system, that in turns will sooner or later end up being ignored. Luckily technology can help in building a successful system, one that minimizes both disruptions to users and admins efforts.

We have based our monitoring on the symptom-based alerting principle, i.e. on the idea that alerts should necessarily correspond to an evident and demonstrable disservice to users. This approach is generally in opposition to “causal” alerting, where you check internal parameters assuming that they correspond to potential causes of problems. The symptomatic approach recognizes that in a complex distributed system, this inference is often impossible and generates a significant amount of noise.

Let’s look at an example to clarify the difference. Consider a web application: we can have alerts for conditions such as “CPU usage is 100%” or “disk space is full” (and many other conditions of this kind) implying that if one of these conditions is true, presumably the application is not working properly. The symptomatic approach instead prefers to check conditions like “the site is serving more than 1% HTTP errors” or “the 90th percentile of latency is greater than 100 milliseconds”, which are directly related to user experience. This approach assumes that if these conditions are false all the rest of the system is, by definition, working as it should. The advantage of focusing on what is directly visible to users is that there is no risk of “forgetting” causal conditions that could potentially induce problems without us knowing.

Therefore let’s define two types of alerts, with distinct purposes:

  1. Those describing a symptomatic problem and requiring immediate attention from an admin. We identify them with the severity level page, and activate the notification process that results in sending emails/messages/etc.
  2. Alerts that simply report an anomalous state, without any notification associated. These cover a lot of what is normally considered “causal alerting”, and they are used for the debugging phase. We have a dashboard that reports the overall system status and can help to locate the source of a problem, once a notification of a symptomatic alert has been received.

Another important objective of the alerting system is to be as non-verbose as possible while still being effective: in theory we would like to receive a single alert for each “incident”. By not paying attention to this aspect there’s the risk of overloading admins with useless information and noise, even in the presence of an actual problem, contributing to cognitive fatigue.

The alerting system we have adopted implements a standardized alert hierarchy that takes into account knowledge of possible failure domains: the result allows us to ignore, for example, “local” alerts in the presence of “global” alerts (e.g. we are not interested in knowing separately that a specific server is broken if all are), or alerts that refer to a service on a specific server if the server in question is unreachable.

7.1.2 Blackbox monitoring

One of the investments that have “paid” the most in terms of usefulness has been writing a collection of tests for various services, in fact a probe for blackbox monitoring. This software is called service-prober able to manage all the protocols related to services that we offer (HTTP, POP, IMAP, SMTP, etc.) and run custom tests.

This allows us to keep the following resources under continuous monitoring:

and other “complex” deliveries. We are using dedicated test users (both internal to our services, and externally) obtaining a wide coverage of the functionalities of our services. Having the ability to keep these under observation allows us to quickly react to any report of failure and its impact. The tests are designed to be written using terms that are immediately relevant to users.

Further on, the software keeps complete logs of each transaction made with the supported protocols: when an error occurs a detailed log is already available.

7.2 Logging

With log we refer to the wide set of standard outputs of the processes running on our infrastructure. This is a relatively large aggregation of different data types, from event logging (such as HTTP requests) to diagnostic messages. Some of this data is structured according to predefined schemas, other is simply free text. Whereas monitoring presents an aggregated view of the system performance (“number of HTTP requests received”), logs represent the detailed tracing (“these are exactly the HTTP requests received”).

Precisely because of this detailed information they contain, logs tend to include potentially sensitive data relating to our users’ privacy, for this reason they are treated with particular care and respect, as it was radioactive material: isolation, rapid disposal, and above all an explicit and controlled “chain of custody”.

At the same time this detailed information is often essential when attempting to solve a problem, therefore there is a tension between the need to keep logs for diagnostic purposes, and the desire to delete them since they constitute a risk and a burden. Beyond that, management of logs and the relative data is covered by legislation, so there are legal implications to consider.

We decided to work around this tension by implementing anonymization, obtained by applying different measures at different levels:

This decision obviously bring consequences, first and foremost the inability to debug problems that have occurred beyond the established time horizon. In practice, however, this turns out to be a less significative culprit than one might imagine: ultimately, it is more important to be able to solve a problem that is occurring now rather than a problem that has happened in the past and has resolved itself since. Similarly, for example, the lack of IP addresses in our logs has never really constituted a problem, simply because usually knowing these addresses does not provide additional diagnostic value. Clearly there are mechanisms that have knowledge of these IPs internally, for example request rate-limiting systems, but they keep logs exclusively in memory, and without being able to establish any correlation with requests made by users.

Therefore the logging system we have adopted has the following characteristics:

The implementation is pretty straightforward, as a consequence of the above reasons, and relies on journald to collect logs from all processes in execution, which then forwards them to a local rsyslog server on each host. Hosts then forward their logs to a central collection rsyslog server. Here they are subsequently archived into Elasticsearch. The only feature perhaps worth of note is that in this process the logs do not touch the disk until the last step, important aspect since our disks are slow and very busy.

7.2.1 Extracting metrics from logs

Sometimes it is useful to be able to extract real-time metrics directly from logs, for example when it comes to software that is not in able to export metrics directly. Two common examples are NGINX and Postfix, which do not export metrics but produce logs with a detailed trace of each transaction.

In this case we use mtail, just one example of many similar programs, which reads logs line by line, and using regular expressions is able to derive metrics. For example from a normal NGINX access log entry it can calculate a “number of HTTP accesses” metric. We also track additional fields such as the host, method, status of the request, etc.

When defining specific fields for these metrics, you should take into account their cardinality (i.e. the number of distinct values they can have): monitoring systems, because of their nature, generally perform poorly with high cardinality fields. In such cases it is better to rely on the structured log database, discussed in the following section.

7.2.2 Logs as structured events

All logs produced by our systems have a structure, at the very least the minimal syslog schema, with attributes for host, facility, priority, process, etc. that enables us to perform accurate searches.

Other logs extend this schema: our logging system supports the ingestion of “structured” events, nothing more than JSON objects (we use a somewhat obsolete but extremely simple standard called Lumberjack to transport them transparently via syslog).

Many of our logs, on the other hand, are structured differently: they report information in plain text but with a fixed structure (e.g. HTTP logs). In this case it suits us to transform this fixed structure into an explicit schema, that the log search engine understands. Thanks to a series of regular expressions, upon final log collection we then transform things like - - [03/Nov/2020:10:59:18 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 ...

in (for example JSON):

  "vhost": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "uri": "/",
  "status": 200,

The fundamental purpose of this data, beyond facilitating searches, is to be able to generate complex aggregate reports using metadata (for example using web dashboards).

It is worth underlining how the monitoring system and the database of structured logs differ from each other. Especially in the case of metrics derived from the logs, we are faced with a spectrum of possibilities. The monitoring system provides data in realtime, suitable for an alerting system with an overall vision of system performance, cheap to elaborate and to store. The logging system instead provides an analytical database suitable to answer complex queries, which are expensive to calculate.

Let’s take the example of the HTTP logs mentioned above, and consider in particular the fact that the URL field (with high cardinality, controlled by the user) is not stored by the monitoring system: in this case the system can tell us quickly, in real-time, what fraction of incoming requests are returning a 500 error. While the logging system is better suited to analytical queries such as “the list of 10 URLs that gave the most errors in a given period of time”.

8 An example in detail

8.1 The A/I static website

The main A/I website ( is a simple website serving seldom changing static contents. The source code is a list of Markdown files, and an HTML template. The total size of the content is quite limited (< 1 GB). In addition there is also an associated small search motor as a stand-alone application written in Go.

The HTML pages generation process though is quite elaborate, since some HTML templates have to be applied to the Markdown pages, the Javascript code has to be compiled, and the search motor index has to be generated.

Because of these features, we decided to move the whole complexity to the container image build process. This process uses a multi-stage build to obtain a final and monolithic image including both the contents and the necessary services to serve them. The only public interface in the container is a HTTP port (plus an auxiliary port for monitoring). This makes it easier to test the container even locally without any special setup.

8.1.1 The application itself

The web application “sito di A/I” it’s slightly more complex than a static website: to begin with we need an advanced web server (like Apache or similar) in order to redirect the users requests to the content in the correct language, in addition there is a dynamic component delivering the search results.

By using already available components we can build a container featuring the following processes:

The container has in turn to be compatible with the float runtime environment, in particular:

Luckily for us, the apache2-base image already offers these features, so we don’t have any especially challenging task here. Besides, this image offers the opportunity of configuring some parameters through environment variables, like for example the web server port (APACHE_PORT). This feature is quite neat since we then can skip using container-external configuration files.

The Dockerfile for this project will be similar to:

# We omit the various compliation stages for the static files,
# the search engine compilation and index generation,
# and just present the "COPY --from" commands for the relative artifacts

COPY --from=gobuild /go/bin/sitesearch /usr/sbin/sitesearch
COPY --from=build /src/index /var/lib/sitesearch/index
COPY --from=assets /src/assets/templates/ /var/lib/sitesearch/templates/
COPY --from=precompress /var/www/ /var/www/
COPY docker/conf/ /etc/
RUN a2enmod headers rewrite negotiation proxy proxy_http \
    && a2dismod -f -q deflate \
    && chmod -R a+rX /var/lib/sitesearch /var/www/

The only file present in the docker/conf directory is the configuration of the default Apache2 virtualhost.

8.1.2 Service configuration

The container has a very small footprint, both in terms of size, and in terms of necessary resources in order to run it in production (since we are talking about a static website, Apache is doing relatively little work). In addition we are talking about a completely stateless application so we can run multiple instances in order to achieve high availability without the need of special setups, since the infrastructure we have is capable of load balancing HTTP traffic on multiple instances.

From the ‘orchestrator’ point of view, we don’t really need to know any special details on how the container works internally. All we need to know is:

The service description in the format used by float is quite simple:

  scheduling_group: frontend
    - name: http
      port: 8081
        APACHE_PORT: 8081
    - port: 8181
      scheme: http
    - 8081

We have chosen the port 8081 manually, knowing that it was available (not used by any other service).

Here we lack a public_endpoint definition that would have generated a NGINX configuration automatically: since we host websites as subdirectories of and, this special configuration is generated by our automation scripts (have a look at the Automation section). But if this wasn’t the case we could have added a section:

    - name: www
      port: 8081
      scheme: http

in order to automatically reach the website as, with the correct DNS records and valid SSL certificates in place.

After applying the above configuration in production, we expect to find some systemd services (on the hosts belonging to the frontend group) named as docker-web-main-http, and in fact:

# systemctl status docker-web-main-http
* docker-web-main-http.service - web-main/http
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/docker-web-main-http.service; enabled;
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2022-09-03 15:51:25 UTC; 1 weeks 0 days
   Main PID: 2046356 (conmon)
      Tasks: 103 (limit: 19095)
     Memory: 109.8M
        CPU: 1h 7min 24.733s
     CGroup: /system.slice/docker-web-main-http.service
             |-2046294 /usr/bin/podman run --cgroups=disabled --replace --sdnot
             |-2046356 /usr/bin/conmon --api-version 1 -c 6e4babea0b901a109c24b
             |-2046359 s6-svscan -t0 /var/run/s6/services
             |-2046385 s6-supervise s6-fdholderd
             |-2046464 s6-supervise sitesearch
             |-2046465 s6-supervise apache2
             |-2046466 s6-supervise apache-exporter
             |-2046469 /usr/sbin/sitesearch --index=/var/lib/sitesearch/index -
             |-2046470 /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND
             |-2046471 /usr/bin/apache_exporter -scrape_uri
             |-2046545 /usr/bin/logger -p daemon error -t apache
             |-2046559 /usr/bin/logger -p local4 info -t apache
             |-2046560 /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND
             `-2046561 /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND

8.2 Change lifecycle

In order to understand how we interact with this kind of system in practice we can have a look at the lifecycle of an hypothetical change to the service we just considered (the main website).

The first step consists in the creation of the change in question, and the upload on the code management platform:

8.2.1 Testing

The most important part in the management of system changes is verifying the correctness of the changes themselves. The great majority of the software we use has an associated test suite so that is possible to verify that it is functioning correctly. This is though not even remotely sufficient in order to be able verify that combining all these different pieces of software, and their configurations, will satisfy our expectations in terms of functional services. For this reason it is necessary to execute some integrations tests at system level, so that we can verify exactly this aspect.

For this reason we worked on the possibility of creating test environments at will, by spinning up virtual machines (normally locally on our own PC) configured with all or just a share of our services and a configuration similar to the one in production. The modular nature of the configuration makes this setup possible: the system automatically creates all the necessary credentials, so a minimal amount of example configuration is sufficient to create an autonomous version of our infrastructure.

Beside the configuration, it is also important to include some test data, in order to have something (user accounts, websites) to test! In our case we have some test user accounts, with a standard password, and some other specific data relative to different services like websites, noblogs etc. Noblogs is maybe the most representative case of how useful this type of work is: even if it has been necessary to write specialized tools to obtain a completely anonymized dump of the data from some specific blogs, we can now manually test new changes to Noblogs in a particularly extensive and complete way. Therefore it’s easy to compare the behaviour of our software after a new change with the one actually in production.

When it comes to the specific case we examined earlier, once this new :cat image of the container exists, we need to verify its correctness, not only indipendently but also in the context of the whole infrastructure: this is actually not so difficult in the case of this service without dependencies, but is easy to imagine how important this process can be in more complex cases.

To specify we want to use this new image together with all other services, we have to modify the service configuration (ai3/config) so that we refer to the image:

    - name: http

Right after can we choose between different further steps:

8.2.2 Conclusion

In order to trim the changes made, by using an iterative process, it’s enough to update the branch and run once again the desired test environment automation. These steps tend to be reasonably quick even when they are not locally executed (we anyway rely on in order to distribute the new version of the container).

When the change is approved, the branch gets included in the main branch (master), and the next push of the configuration will update the software in production.

Later on the temporary test environments are not necessary anymore and can be destroyed.

It is important to acknowledge both the importance of being able to rely on a sufficiently mature system managing the code and the CI, (in order to facilitate collaboration, and to have a container-build-and-distribution platform) and the fundamental role of the test environments to evaluate the effect of the changes before they reach production. Since the test environment is intrinsically similar to production (although it requires occasional manual labor in order to have sufficiently representative data) this process saves us a lot of time and effort, and gives us more self confidence at the time of action.

9 Automation

This chapter is about automation processes relative to the user accounts: once we have an infrastructure capable of offering multi-user services and a database containing the list of the accounts on these services, how do these two relate? For many services the answer is quite trivial and requires a direct connection: the service can simply look for the configuration parameters directly in the database. Not all services work this way though, and in any case the plot thickens when we consider also the accounts associated data.

What we actually end up having to do, more often than not, is syncing different sets of information: on one side the user database, on the other side some other internal service specific database, or alternatively (very often) the filesystem.

Many possible approaches exist to the problem of synchronization, and the one we chose, using it since 2005, reflects partially the technical skills we had at the time, and partially the technologies that were available at the time: we had a fast and easy to replicate database, while there were no well widespread log-based technologies. In any case we still think that this approach is the best one, because of its robustness.

9.1 State machines

Let’s compare the account automation tasks to a model, saying that they can be seen as a serie of finite state machines, where the states are memorized in the LDAP database, and the transitions are periodically executed by a serie of scripts. Normally a script is dedicated to a certain change, sometimes restricted to a particular type of account (mail, web, etc). The account states are independent from one another, so the automation can progress on every account independently, and the mechanism is naturally apt to be parallelized.

The execution states for these scripts correspond to the “beats” of the whole change automation frequency, revealing the speed of the synchronization process when distributing the changes from the database to the different services. Because of how our automation is structured, this does not represent a limit (once explained both to admins and end-users that no change is immediate and a non zero propagation time is to be expected).

Let’s consider in detail, for example, the migration process of the account data from server A to server B for a partitioned service, where the account data is associated to a specific server. This workflow uses two account associated object attributes from the LDAP database, host and originalhost:

The account has therefore transitioned through these following states:

The account is in a well defined state at every step: depending on the specific service it will be possible to choose to serve the account accordingly to the host attribute (the account will temporarily appear as “empty” and it will be populated with the backfill of data from server A), or the originalHost attribute (the data will remain accessible but the changes happening during the migration will be lost), or simply suspend the service for the account during the period in which host and originalHost return different values (an approach that is useful in order to maintain data integrity in respect to modifications, at the cost of a temporary unavailability).

It has to be noted that the implementation of state machines described above is efficient as long as the tasks we need to complete are simple, but it rapidly becomes unpractical if the amount of states multiplies.

9.2 Reconciliation

With the simple state machines described above we implement an approach to the synchronization of data known as reconciliation: assuming that the database represents the primary authoritative copy of the data, or to better say expresses the expectation from the service configuration, we compare the database with the effective state of the system, and we execute operations scoped in order to eliminate the differences.

This approach is often compared to the task queue mechanism, where the result of the operation meant to be executed on an account is represented by a task that will be executed in its entirety and as soon as possible.

The reconciliatory approach presents some advantages that makes it more desirable in our case:

Obviously some disadvantages do exist, starting from the fact that an eventually consistent approach implies the existence of intermediate states that are potentially inconsistent: since we manipulate very simple states (a mailbox either receives mail or it doesn’t) inconsistency manifests mainly as a propagation delay between the expression of the intention (database change) and its effective change distribution, without introducing service related problems. Other inconsistent states can appear whenever coordination may be necessary: for example between the HTTP reverse proxy configuration and the configuration of the associated service, since these are configured independently. This also doesn’t end up constituting a big problem: since this type of transitions engage either when a problem occurs or at creation time for a new resource, a temporary unavailability of the associated resource is difficult to notice.

Lastly every automation iteration requires a complete scan of both the database and the actual state of the service, an operation that can potentially be expensive on big volumes (but not yet for us, and not for a couple of magnitude of users account more). One of the ways to avoid this problem, if it ever becomes necessary, is to reduce the execution frequency of the scripts, but that of course would imply a corresponding slowdown in the propagation of the changes.

The main disadvantage of this approach is the confusion created by the length of the feedback loop between an action and its effect: the fact that after having for example modified the user database absolutely nothing happens for tens of minutes suggesting that there is a problem in what has been done. Training becomes very necessary in order to internalize this mechanism, representing a big obstacle, although this is compensated by the notable robustness offered by the reconciliatory approach.

9.3 Configuration generators

We mentioned how some services require an explicit configuration for every account, while some others don’t. Let’s consider two specific examples to clarify what we are talking about:

A certain amount of our automation scripts is for this reason dedicated to the pure generation of complex services configurations, generically using specific templates. When these scripts detect a change in the generated configuration, they automatically restart the associated service.

The trade-off between a static configuration and a dynamic one is also sometimes a matter of complexity and performance: to make an example, it is in practice possible, with the help of particular modules, to configure Apache in a “dynamical” way, taking the list of the hosted website directly from a database. This in turns introduces a direct dependency from the database, to the point where the web service cannot function without it, while in the static case a failure at the database level only gets in the way of changes propagation. It has also to be considered that a dynamic Apache configuration requires access to the database for every HTTP request, becoming a problem with a high traffic volumes. Whenever both types of configuration are possible, from time to time it becomes necessary to consider also:

9.4 Account and data operators

Since in the majority of cases there is data associated to our database resources, a significant share of our automation is dedicated to data management, that is synchronizing the resource state (from the database) with the filesystem (or other service specific database).

In particular these management tasks can be categorized in three groups:

The first two tasks are generically incorporated in a script that uses a trivial subset difference algorithm, in order to find the accounts that need to be created and those that need to be removed in a single pass:

Data removal is a dangerous process since it’s irreversible, so when it comes to public resources like websites we pay special attention: before operating deletion of public data from the filesystem, we first archive the data on a dedicated backup service (namely cold storage) that preserves a long term copy.

9.5 Inverse reconciliation

There are cases where the user database is not authoritative for all the resource parameters. This happens when a service has its own interface able to modify these specific parameters, and we could not or did not want to modify the software in order to make it communicate directly with our database. There are few of these cases:

To manage this situations we have some automation operating an “inverse reconciliation”: the specific data is read from database only when creating a new resource, while it gets periodically synchronized in the opposite direction, from the service to the database.

The important aspect, in these cases, is to acknowledge that the data is present in the users database only to provide informative description, and in read only mode: to go back to the mailing lists example (Mailman), having the administrators of a list present in the database does not mean that we cannot change them in the database itself, it instead allows us to show the lists in the user panel, delivering an illusion of a transparent service from the end user point of view.

10 Only time will tell

A few years have already passed since the A/I collective first adopted the infrastructure described in this document, so at least a bare minimum of retrospective analysis is already possible. In general we can say that our efforts have sorted out the desired effects: the necessary maintenance level has proven to be low as we had planned, the “forceful” operations (for example the upgrade to a newer stable Debian version) have been completed with independent deadlines and without rush and so on.

The separation of secrets from code has finally allowed us, after many years of only-desiring-to-do-it, to publish all the code and our service configuration, and hopefully this has been useful for other groups doing similar things.

We have benefited greatly from the opportunity of testing arbitrary changes on the infrastructure, significantly improving Noblogs, and empowering some of us to develop specific skills in that field.

Slowly we are also noticing how some “professional” technologies are aligning to the scopes that are most interesting to us, so that we will be able to drop several custom tools and solutions in favour of free and open-source equivalents: we are finally close to the point in time when we will be able to find a substitute even for float itself.

11 Outro

Copyright © 2021-2022 Autistici/Inventati

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This document was first redacted for internal use at Associazione AI ODV, but has been released hoping that it can be useful and be interesting to other people.

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-- Primo Moroni