Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. First Thoughts

As early as in 2003, some members of the Autistici/Inventati collective started wondering what effects the upcoming wave of repression would have on our lives.

At that time it was clear to us that the growing importance of the digital communication media would call for the repression forces' attention, especially if connected to radical political contexts. We were far too optimistics: since then we have seen the increasing global paranoia pushing forward orwellian and panopticon ideologies towards total control, not only aiming at the restricted area of social and political dissent, but targetting the society at large.

We considered the main weak spots of the services we offered and wondered what compromises we could reach in balancing our political needs, the personal energies available in our collective and the responses required by the forecoming threats. We managed to sketch out three main problems:

We drew many conclusions from these considerations, and this document is one of them: the technical design of an infrastructure aimed at anonymous communications and based on a number of servers distributed in various parts of the world. Since we think that every physical server can be easily compromised, we have to consider each box as a disposable node of the network.