Weapon Classification: Mass Destruction

Weapon Type: Biological, Chemical

Method of Delivery: Wagon, Draft animal, self-propelled

Maximum Effective Kill Radius: >2miles (depending on atmospheric conditions)

Presently, ground burst types are the only known weapons of this type. Intel reports that aerial burst methods are being deployed with unknown weapons platforms.

This particular weapon system will remain stable in cold weather conditions. As the temperature rises( >80 degrees F.), the deadly gases within begin to build until the weapon becomes unstable.

The Creedish soldier would often inject apple cider into the weapon. The cider acts as a catalyst to speed up the chemical reactions inside the weapon. These weapons can be seen in fields in hot summer sun. They can often appear to be large hay bails, but this is an old Creedish trick.

If identified, do not disturb or discharge small arms fire into this weapon. This could cause a premature discharge of the weapon cause instant death. Seek authorities for proper disposal methods.



Here we see another version of this devastating weapon. Small children on a school bus noticed this altered cow in a field near Blue Ball, PA. Resistance supporters were deployed to investigate and neutralize the weapon. There were no casualties, but we did learn of new tactics of placement of these weapons of mass destruction along school bus routes.



This explosion took place at Bird in Hand, PA early this year. Two hunters discharged their firearms into the weapon causing immediate death. An Creedish recon patrol was quickly deployed to investigate. The Creedish Government in the area was quick to cover up this act of war.