The Creedish Resistance has been long in coming. Fellow Resistance Fighters throughout the United States and other supporting countries are being assembled to combat this continuing threat. As you read this, the Creedish are massing their troops and equipment against YOU!! However, your support and dedication to "the cause" is greatly appreciated to everyone whether they admit to this serious situation or not. The Creedish Resistance will post these SITREP's (situation reports) as they are received and processed. Personal identities of those who send these reports will be classified in order to not compromise the mission. Thank you for your continuing support!


Size: Squad-sized unit (14 armed, bearded males) Activity: Appeared to be engaged in active purchasing of weapons Location: Central Michigan, township of Wexford, approximately 6 klicks North Northwest of Cadillac, Hanks Hardware & Feed Store Unit: Appeared to be forward element of the elite surveillance and target acquisition (STA) battalion of the 2nd Div. of the Michigan branch of the "Amish Anarchy Peoples' Movement" guerrilla faction Time: 16:30 5Dec98 GMT Equipment: Armed with various nail guns with different fire-select variants, counted 9 extended-range capable nail guns, 2 "close-kill" Arrow Brand staple guns and numerous close-combat personal weapons such as K-Bar copy "work knives", crosscut saws, and metal-edged rulers and squares. Subjects purchased several yards of burlap material for the obvious use in constructing Ghillie suits and hides. Noticed lack of normal communication among these "shoppers" and the use of various biblical references in the limited communication as a means of encoding.

I hope this information will be of use to the Resistance- LCpl *******, Downriver Detroit Resistance Warrior

Yes, you speak of the Creedish threat but you miss the work of their co-hourts in crime, The hudderites. These are the more techno-Creedish able to use modern weapons. These are the real storm troopers of the Creedish danger. And where do you think they live. In the Mid-west, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota. The food belt of the USA. When the Huds attack they will control all the food. and you poor fools will Starve. Oh the Humanity of it all. Can you not see the Evil that is there?? The Creedish draw your attention while the Hudderites attack with modern weapons, and tanks and control the food. You fools Help us in the Dakotas before its too late>>>>>>>>>

I hear the resistance has been selling tainted butter and cheese to the english. they call it " death from within".

I am almost sure that the Creedish also make their money through a prostitution ring!.

Ola More news from the Midwest. Reports from my operatives show that the Hudderites have now enlisted Mennonite Recon and assault mercenaries.. We also hear some vaig references to ultra conservative Baptists and a few Mormons but those are unsubstantiated as yet. Some of the groups are perhaps using the Copy cat theme as we know the Creedish are still a little skittish about Advanced technology Yours truly in well placed Paranoia

The most effective spring season killing machine is the 'manure spreader'. Hundreds are slaughtered every year just because they are unfortunate enough to live in Lancaster county. Many innocent women and children die because this weapon is out of control!

The Creedish are advancing from their barns in Creedish towns and are going to meet at the site of bull run on the 30 of the month. they have a full armerment of carriage-tanks and 2,000 foot soliders armed with all types of nail shooting hand cannons. they plan to take over Washington D.C.

The Creedish are training with new weapons sir. I have taken personal surveilance of them training their new foot soldiers. They have developed a form of martial arts involving pitchforks anf garden rakes. With these new techniques they will be twice as formidable as they already are.

Size-Approximately battallion sized unit Activity-Appeared to be hawking wares at area "flea markets" Location-North-central Indiana, near Shipshewana Unit-Believed to be Indiana Sapper Bn Time-Approximately 1200 Sat.Oct 17, 1998 Equipment-Various horse-drawn wagons in vicinity, conspicuous absence of communication equipment and weapons. Believed to have these articles hidden until needed. Also witnessed active recruiting attempts at the "flea markets". Overheard conversations were steeped in code: numerous references to "free ranging chickens" and "livestock auctions"-no doubt refering to Resistance members and recruiting activities.

The link between the japanese industrial cartels and the Creedish Resistance is shocking.We have also heard reports af a co/conspiring group known as the Mennonite underground. They appear to be moderate but are actually infiltrating the fabric of our society, gathering information for the Creedish.

I regret to inform you that Delta team, which we sent in about a month ago, was discovered and all 12 members were killed. The Creedish, however, did not find the plans we sent with the team leader. We recovered Delta's equipment and they had found nothing.

As leader of Team Epsilon I brought my group up t the edge of the patrol routs of their sentries and quietly disposed of three pairs of sentries as they had the misfortune to discover us. In these skirmishes we lost two men, they both were killed cleanly and suffered little.

We managed to take two pictures before the found the photographer and did away with him. I saved the film and the pictures have been provided.

The one labeled surveillance is a picture we took from a distance and shows the Thermal controled comm satilite device (it looks like a silo), the ICBM lauch sites (disguised as haystacks), and, of course, the location of the armory (white house far to the left)

The one labeled buggy simply shows the newer propulsion units and motors they are using on their main battle tanks.

The final enclosure was made after our camera was taken. We managed to get close enough to sketch the new Creedish fighters. They were what appears to be a martial arts uniform. If you will notice the implement in his hands you will see the pitchfork and shovel combination. The claim that this is a labor saving device but we have seen them training with them and they are quite deadly with those weapons.

Posted the following on and world order.

I have attached a pic of a black helicopter sighted in Beaver County Pa. If you look to the right bottom corner, you can see the Creedish waiting to meet it. Now.... How much more proof do you need that the Creedish and the UN are involved?

Size--- 12 (6 in 2 boats)

Activity--- Picking up bales of dope

Location--- 30miles SW of Key West

Uniform--- No shirts (farmer tans gave them away) Black hats, work pants rolled up to knees. and of course beards.

Time--- about 14:45 Est --26Dec98

Equipment--- 2 meduim wooden oar powered watercraft , 4 large gaff hooks, 2 long range nail guns, possible Brown Bess type rifles,

While out fishing for grouper. We noticed 2 watercraft pulling in large objects out of the water with hooks.

Thinking that mabey they found a good grouper spot, we put the engine about 1/4 full and proceeded.

Upon getting about 150M from them, they frantically threw large burlap covers over their "cach". One youngster (about 17 or so) panicked and pointed his weapon towads us.

One of my partners ( leary of piracy in these waters) responded with 3 quick aimed shots from his stainless mini-14.


The youngster dropped, like turning off a t.v. just plopped down dead. Another (possibly officer) clutched at his middle back (between shoulder blades) and lurched forward out of view. He was standing right behind the youngster. We believe he fell overboard dead on the other side. But not sure.

Unfortunately the mini-14 had a cheap aftermarket magazine and hung up real bad. The Creedish returned fire. You could hear those nails stickin in the hull. (almost like Omaha beach, the rounds just kept a commin) Just when it seemed they were gaining fire superiority, another partner of mine fire a flare right into the second boat. I dont know what he hit, but the boat went up fast. It did smell something like weed though.

Seeing the occupants from the second craft frantically swim to the first boat. That caused them to let down their fire for a second or so. We got the mini up and my Rem 870 Marine mag came out. I launched 7 1oz slugs right into the port side, just below the water line. My partner dumped an entire 30rnd mag into the "rescuers" I believe 2 dropped right away, the others jumped in the water. Some were hit,

Well we were still scared and you could hear the Creedish peading for help. But knowing that they would trick us. We cut up all of our catch (about 7 20lb+ grouper a dozen snapper and the rest of the cut bait and chum) and tossed it toward them. The first boat was just about down, and the second was burning fierce. We decided to flee back to the coast.

Our friends and wives, wanting to know why we didnt catch anything, didnt believe one word. Goes to show you how blind they made America to their evil.

Fight the good fight

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