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Bin Laden Executed???

Osama Bin Laden is believed to have been executed by the Creedish. Seen in the photo above, the head of Bin Laden is lying next to a Creedish child. In addition to their regular chores, Creedish children are instructed in the art of "Shrunken Heads". This is the fate that awaits all that defy the Creedish alliance.

Bin Laden had been resisting induction into the Creedish way of life, ever since his coming to the U.S. to hide with the Creedish to avoid capture by U.S. commandos sent to kidnap him and bring him back to the U.S. to stand trial on "Terrorism Charges".

Bin Laden had been very vocal about his resistance and was becoming verbally abusive with the Creedish. The Creedish were getting noticeably upset with him. The art of "Shrunken Heads" is a little known art and until now, was not believed to be observed by the Creedish. Further investigation has revealed that the Creedish have been "shrinking" the heads of all their executed prisoners. One un-named source was said to have seen a barn literally "filled with shrunken heads". Some of them missing and believed dead prominent citizens and celebrities. Amongst those claimed to have been seen were Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, Elvis, and Joe Piscopo. An empty space with the name "David Lee Roth" was also seen. The un-named source claimed to have witnessed the execution and said Bin Laden had pleaded with the Creedish shouting, "Yo dudes, you don't have to get so medieval! Like, I know you live in that era, but man, chill! I'll wear the black threads! The source then said the Creedish ignored his pleas, laughing at him and said "Thou art not so cocky now, art thou? Thou shoudst not lost thine head! Getteth it? Lost thine head?"

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