LOGOMegaIRC Development Page
NO(C)MMI MegaBug Industries.
The TTY Obfuscated
A brief history
As we said in the first page, the TTY Obfuscated is a seriuos bug in our mind, called also a criptographic algoritm, or dislessia. At first, the idea came in the sick mind of the black man, aka Blicero. We don't know how can somebody think (think??) to put on an IRC channel something like: "asdlkfjvbalkjvbad", but it happened, and it was the beginning of thw whole story. Megabug then thought about a super-protocol, based on the IRC stuff, that could be able to travel on the IRC protocol itself, but unknown to it and to the server. The idea is to move the encryption and the decryption just on the clients, making possible one-to-many cripted communications. The first man (welll..... ok: 'the first one', till further investigations) who wrote a simil-TTY Obfuscated was Elettrico, but He did it in VB, so it was not helpfull. Something about this first experiment lays beside the TTY Obfuscate O 1. Let ya look to the code, 2 understand how poor it is (sorry Elettrico, but it's true ;^). However we are thinking to make the tty_o somehow modular. In this case, everybody would be able to write their own cryptographic module and to talk in a more secure way on the IRC, without complying the servers. We hope sombody out there will help us walking this way. If u decide to help us, pleaze lezus know sending an e-mail to c1cc10 or to megabug or to ginox (the three fools who made it till now).