LISTA tR0jaNs (in ordine di utilizzo del servizio) portA 21 - Blade Runner, Doly Trojan, Fore, FTP trojan, Invisible FTP, Larva, WebEx, WinCrash port 23 - Tiny Telnet Server portA 25 - Antigen, Email Password Sender, Haebu Coceda, Kuang2, ProMail trojan, Shtrilitz, Stealth, Tapiras, Terminator, WinPC, WinSpy portA 31 - Agent 31, Hackers Paradise, Masters Paradise  portA 41 - DeepThroat  portA 58 - DMSetup port 79 - Firehotcker  portA 80 - Executor  portA 110 - ProMail trojan  portA 121 - JammerKillah  portA 421 - TCP Wrappers  portA 456 - Hackers Paradise  portA 531 - Rasmin  portA 555 - Ini-Killer, Phase Zero, portA 666 - Attack FTP, Satanz Backdoor  portA 911 - Dark Shadow  portA 999 - DeepThroat  portA 1001 - Silencer, WebEx  portA 1011 - Doly Trojan  portA 1012 - Doly Trojan  portA 1024 - NetSpy  portA 1045 - Rasmin  portA 1090 - Xtreme  portA 1170 - Psyber Stream Server,  portA 1234 - Ultors Trojan  portA 1243 - BackDoor-G, SubSeven  portA 1245 - VooDoo Doll  portA 1349 (UDP) - BO DLL  portA 1492 - FTP99CMP  portA 1600 - Shivka-Burka  portA 1807 - SpySender  portA 1981 - Shockrave  portA 1999 - BackDoor  portA 2001 - Trojan Cow  portA 2023 - Ripper  portA 2115 - Bugs  portA 2140 - Deep Throat, The Invasor  portA 2565 - Striker  portA 2583 - WinCrash  portA 2801 - Phineas Phucker  portA 3024 - WinCrash  portA 3129 - Masters Paradise  portA 3150 - Deep Throat, The Invasor  portA 3700 - Portal of Doom  portA 4092 - WinCrash  portA 4567 - File Nail  portA 4590 - ICQTrojan  portA 5000 - Bubbel, Back Door Setup, Sockets de Troie  portA 5001 - Back Door Setup, Sockets de Troie  portA 5321 - Firehotcker  portA 5400 - Blade Runner  portA 5401 - Blade Runner  portA 5402 - Blade Runner  portA 5555 - ServeMe  portA 5556 - BO Facil  portA 5557 - BO Facil  portA 5569 - Robo-Hack  portA 5742 - WinCrash  portA 6400 - The Thing  portA 6670 - DeepThroat  portA 6771 - DeepThroat  portA 6776 - BackDoor-G, SubSeven  portA 6939 - Indoctrination  portA 6969 - GateCrasher, Priority  portA 7000 - Remote Grab  portA 7300 - NetMonitor  portA 7301 - NetMonitor  portA 7306 - NetMonitor  portA 7307 - NetMonitor  portA 7308 - NetMonitor  portA 7789 - Back Door Setup, ICKiller  portA 9872 - Portal of Doom  portA 9873 - Portal of Doom  portA 9874 - Portal of Doom  portA 9875 - Portal of Doom  portA 9989 - iNi-Killer  portA 10067 - Portal of Doom  portA 10167 - Portal of Doom  portA 10520 - Acid Shivers  portA 10607 - Coma  portA 11000 - Senna Spy  portA 11223 - Progenic trojan  portA 12223 - Hack´99 KeyLogger  portA 12345 - GabanBus, NetBus, Pie Bill Gates, X-bill  portA 12346 - GabanBus, NetBus, X-bill  portA 12361 - Whack-a-mole  portA 12362 - Whack-a-mole  portA 12631 - WhackJob  portA 13000 - Senna Spy  portA 16969 - Priority  portA 20001 - Millennium  portA 20034 - NetBus 2 Pro  portA 21544 - GirlFriend  portA 22222 - Prosiak  portA 23456 - Evil FTP, Ugly FTP  portA 26274 (UDP) - Delta Source  portA 29891 (UDP) - The Unexplained  portA 30029 - AOL Trojan  portA 30100 - NetSphere  portA 30101 - NetSphere  portA 30102 - NetSphere  portA 30303 - Sockets de Troie  portA 31337 - Baron Night, BO client, BO2, Bo Facil  portA 31337 (UDP) - BackFire, Back Orifice, DeepBO  portA 31338 - NetSpy DK  portA 31338 (UDP) - Back Orifice, DeepBO  portA 31339 - NetSpy DK  portA 31666 - BOWhack  portA 33333 - Prosiak  portA 34324 - BigGluck, TN  portA 40412 - The Spy  portA 40421 - Agent 40421, Masters Paradise  portA 40422 - Masters Paradise  portA 40423 - Masters Paradise  portA 40426 - Masters Paradise  portA 47262 (UDP) - Delta Source  portA 50505 - Sockets de Troie  portA 50766 - Fore  portA 53001 - Remote Windows Shutdown  portA 54321 - School Bus  portA 60000 - Deep Throat  portA 61466 - Telecommando  portA 65000 - Devil