Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 16:12:47 +0000 (GMT) Anarchives Mid-Summer Communique Hey everybody, the anarchives has been a bit quiet lately, as we've all been busy and travelling the world. Here's a taste of what's going down, activity is in ascension and reports will begin to flow concnerning what's coming in the future, which is just another way to describe the present... ____________________________________ Red RainForce Rising We are without us and my one indigo eye is moving in. The shore's buildings and towers are crashing to waves but your red ceder, rotted on the top is still standing. The tonal was obliterated and language now rises out of spirit carcus like those emerald green leaves lighting the black mountain background. Drudgery/Reward, Pain/Pleasure, Victim, Martyr, cycles are finishing. In the horizon I see unconditional hearts and constant ecstasies. The negative is falling off like dried paint from this transparent ball. Nerves like drums need rhythm. You'll know when the world ends because you'll be wondering who you are as it begins. A womb is a fire you make, leave or awe at. God are those invisble flying swords you call dogs who sing and walk. Soon people will see the melody planes around them. Tireless silent progressions will drown out your aggression or passivity and swirl through tea sticks at a midningt mountain. A red flower found in this workship is wiser than those feudal consistencies and petroglyph definitions that rot even the guarded property. It's still a world where no one person is to be seen with anywhere close to most of their one person is to be seen with anywhere close to most of their one person. There's a baby bee finding the wrong side of the sun, hitting the lit window pane over and over again until I point out from behind the steam, the shadows of the pane where she finally flies, up and out past the hinges and into the cool blue. Stopping that river injured neks and shoulders and now the dirt road on the right is finally flooding. The celtic mermain swims in fear, because of the way she feels she should think. But she's a piercing Goddess and I'll see you down south in that little house in the desert. The church's stole spirit, marchers stole discipline, computers stole imagination, psychology stole psychics and you stole me and we all got locked up in folders and Warner Brothers bored games. So now the snakes take you up and the ladders take you down; Medusa has shown with millions and beauty but she's down to persuasion and style is getting wet and moving to Mars to dry off while most wait coughing and the ones who draw now teach. Close your eyes and look above the plastic and screen to that white red opening below moist red petals, circling from and beyond the crystalled stem. -------------------------------------------------------------- To receive the Anarchives via email send a note to with the message in the body: subscribe anarchives To get off the list, send to the same address but write: unsubscribe anarchives Also check out: