LOA ebook One - Programmazione


A Fast and Robust GJK Implementation for Collision Detection of Convex Objects (PDF)
C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Efficient Collision Detection of Complex Deformable Models using AABB Trees (PDF)

ASM and Win Coding

80x86 OpCodes References
Advanced Windows by Jeffry Richter 3rd edition - Chapter18 (PDF)
Building Win95 Apps (PDF)
Complete ASM Language Tutorial for Beginners (DOC)
Developing ASM Utilities (PDF)
Gavin's Guide to 80x86 Assembly
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 1
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 2: Child Windows
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 3: Painting the Screen
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 4: Transferring Data To and From Windows
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 5: Mouse, Timer, and Keyboard Inputs
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 6: Special Fonts, Menus, Printing
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 7: AppStudio
Hands-On Windows Programming Book 8: C to C++ Conversion
IBM Personal Computer Assembly Language Tutorial (WRI)
Intel Architecture Software Developers Manual - Vol1 (PDF)
Intel Architecture Software Developers Manual - Vol2 (PDF)
Intel Architecture Software Developers Manual - Vol3 (PDF)
LiuTaoTao's Win95 Programming Page (CHM)
PC Underground (PDF)
Programming Windows by Charles Petzold (DOC)
Programming Windows by Charles Petzold - Fifth Edition (CHM)
Programming Windows by Charles Petzold - Fifth Edition - Examples on CD
Programming Windows CE (CHM)
Programming Windows CE - Examples on CD
Programming Windows NT 4 Unleashed
The Art of Assembly Language (PDF)
Tutorial on The Use of Debug
Win32 API (HLP)
Windows Assembly Language and System Programming by Barry Kauler (PDF)
Windows 95 Games SDK Strategy Guide
Windows 95 System Programming Secrets by Matt Pietrek (PDF)


ActiveX in VC5
Borland C++ Builder Unleashed
C in Plain English
C Language Tutorial
C++ Annotations (PDF)
C++ by Example (PDF)
Database Developer's Guide with Visual C++ 4 Second Edition
Digital Imaging in C and the World Wide Web
Effective C++, Second Edition
Handling Exceptions in C and C++
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Learn C Under Windows (PDF)
Learn C Under Windows - Examples on CD
Learn C++ Under Windows
Learn C++ Under Windows - Examples on CD
Professional MFC with Visual C++ 5
Programming Visual C++ 5 (CHM)
Programming Visual C++ 5 - Examples on CD
Special Edition Using MFC
Special Edition Using Visual C++ 5
Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days
Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days (CHM)
Teach Yourself Visual C++ 5 in 24 Hours
Thinking in C++ (RTF)
Using Visual C++ 5.0 (PDF)
Visual C++ 4 Unleashed
Visual C++ How-To
Visual C++ in 12 Easy Lessons
Write Your Own Programming Language (2nd Ed)
Wrox Press C++ tutorial (CHM)


An Introduction to Cryptography
Applied Cryptography, Second Edition
CryptoAPI (CHM)
Handbook of Applied Cryptography - 4th edition (PDF)
Learn Encryption Techniques with BASIC and C++
Selections from Cryptologia


Vol1 - Object Oriented Programming Languages
Vol2 - Imperative Programming Languages
Vol4 - Functional and Logic Programming Languages


The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses
The Viral Database

Visual Basic

Special Edition Using Visual Basic 4
Teach Yourself Database Programming with VB 4 in 21 Days
Visual Basic 4 Expert Solutions
Visual Basic 4 Unleashed
Visual Basic 5 Control Creation Starter Kit
Web Programming with Visual Basic


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